absurdity is:
me chasing the same unavailable girl for
three and a half fucking years
the same unavailable girl
who I have nothing in common with
who I don't even like that much as a person
who has NONE of the qualities I want in a relationship
who admits she is a bad communicator
who emotionally withdraws (which drives me crazy)
who is hot and cold
who makes me feel like I am going insane every time we are in contact
who I have cried over
who I have sought Professional Help to get over
absurdity is still agreeing to see her
absurdity is still caring what she feels and thinks
It is absurd how powerless I feel
waiting for dozens of people to die (usually children) at a crosswalk / intersection before a stoplight or stop sign is erected by Anytown, USA civic government.
Oh.........and any tabloid magazine.......they focus on the trivial and the truly absurd.......such as celebrity cellulite.
1. enroll in honors thesis program out of choice and freedom
2. procrastinate
3. place total self-worth in writing perfect thesis draft in two days
("one must imagine sisyphus happy" - camus)
Fried Chicken & Lipitor.
Strawberry Short Cake & Diet Coke.
Trickle down economics.
Democracy & ignorance.
Religion & self awareness.
Absurdity is that George W. Bush was ever President of this country. No, wait, that's obscenity!
The human race in denial
Illustration complete!
The Capital Beltway at rush hour (which is approximately 22 hours a day).
The movie Religulous does a great job of illustrating absurdity.
A diet coke with a super-sized fast food meal.
Saggy pants with the crotch at the knees
McMansions populating every hillside
The Rebublican party
Education system in the U.S.
Pay scale for our teachers.
Lack of parental controls on their kids.
Government "pork" projects.
The U.S. tax system.
Pomposity of many lawyers.
The enormity of frivolous lawsuits ... that WIN.
Our litigious society.
... you don't have enough room for these!
The federal government is borrowing against future revenues by going into debt so it can spend money it doesn't have in order to solve an economic crisis caused by the out-of-control borrowing and spending by American business and the average American taxpayer. If that isn't absurd, I don't know what is...
Two terms of W
Post-college guys in Hoboken wearing shorts when it's 10 degrees out!!!!
Doing too much and spending all your time stressing about shit that's unchangeable
The Anarchist's Club will meet tonight at 7:30pm. Be on time.
Illustrate? With a drawing? Hard to do in this medium. I can describe something I've always thought was absurd: The idea some fanatical pro-lifers have that it's okay to murder doctors who perform abortions.
Everybody working over 40 hours a week to pay bills and "get ahead". Why not work a little and enjoy life a little?
Oh that's easy: picture George W. Bush.
it's like getting shot in the back of the head, execution style, creating a space and some time to deal with the historic and personal implications, entering into another space to try and connect the best way to view it, finding some eternally unpleasentness (go figure) involved, creating yet another space in which to have to effect to the prior two, skipping over the first two to a 'flux' state in which to present the evidence to one's superiors, evacuating that space the moment you hear that 'superior' voice ( using alterior motives), gettng swept up in a thousand foot wave on a clean ocean, and organizing a reentrance to the place at which you previously lay bloodied and vacant on the floor, picking oneself up, exiting the area for a brief moment, handing the bullet to Jesus Christ and then underhandedly ending the world within which such an event could occur, in a near perfect fabrication that allows one to gently and reasonably and with much restitution in mind, stop the event from ever happening Ever. then trying to explain it to the public as they try to explain it back - knowing that the answer will never arrive comfortably and in direct address and because of that also knowing that something entirely unpredictable and yet totally unnecessary could happen. as opposed to a human paradise that is the literal offering of Heaven. then having Jesus, the Devil and a Soulmate arrive on time. to express a absurdity yet to be realized. perhaps because of the Infinite delacacy of the repercussion. while maintaining allegiance to an adolescent proclivity to lonely masturbation in a fuzzy funny freaky fun zone.
Right to Lifers who support capital punishment
Atlanta with no curbside recycling
that's a hard one. i mean, personally i think it's absurd that in many ways people know exactly what needs to be changed and choose not to because they're just more comfortable with what's been going on. i had a yoga teacher once say that the definition of insanity was trying the same thing over and over again even though it never worked in the first place. i think that also illustrates absurdity pretty well.
Absurdity: the quality or state of being absurd: Absurd: an adj, ridiculous, unreasonable, unsound, incongruous, having no rational or orderly relationship to our lives, meaningless, lacking order or value; a noun, the state or condition in which a human being exists in an irrational and meaningless universe and in which human life has no meaning outside of its own existence.
I think this might be the best question of the week so far, and the more I think about the task of illustration the slipperier it becomes, because the more I look into anything the more logical it seems to become; I glimpse the form that follows chaos. Yet, that said, I still find it all ultimately meaningless.
A Manifesto
When you do away with form
As you indulge in formlessness
The first thing that you notice is
New forms manifest themselves
Or old forms reassert their shells
Because they simply have to be
And chaos is the anomaly
So push against the edge of style
Undermine and subvert design
You’ll teeter on the brink of charm
You’ll kiss the wall of the abyss
And stare into the eye of essence
But as you love each new fought bliss
Don’t forget the lobster bisque*
*Bisque – from French, bis cuites, twice cooked: a classic soup, highly spiced and very creamy.
** It has been suggested that it should not end "lobster bisque", but rather "mobster risque."
GM and Chrysler are seeking $14 billion from the government and for this GM alone said they would need to cut 47,000 workers.
There's the bizarre and wondrous paradox that, with all of the electronic devices for communication that are at our fingertips, it is harder than ever to get someone on the phone, have a business call answered by a real person, strike up a conversation with someone face to face or find people on the street who aren't surrounded by the me-pod and actually being aware of the space they occupy. Take, for example, the couple who breaks up by text message (from a real news story), or a number of people I know who, despite having a cell phone, a home phone and an office phone yet cannot be reached by telephone.
The concept of owning things.
and mine...
Borrowing money to get out of debt.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Do you make fun of others? (2/9/09)
yes, not as much as I used to but yes, I do.
Only if they're Republicans.
I take my fun where I can get it, but it seldom involves doing it at another person's expense.
You're kidding me with this one, right? I am, in fact, a literal comedian. I have no choice but to make fun of people. My latest choice is Williamsburg hipsters who claim to be seeking individuality while attempting to look the same as each other. They are no better than the corporate suits they make fun of.
I have fun laughing at people who make fun of others.....my favorite pastime is watching the Chelsea Lately show. She's a successful sailor-mouth comedian who bags on narcissistic celebrity culture; she is especially hilarious when slamming Britney, Lindsay, Paris Hilton and their parents. That's about the extent to which I make fun of others, other than a little harmless banter with my boss.
all the time!
Nope, I make fun with others!
Only gently
Only if they aren't already fun.
No disrepecting someone is not good karma nor good for the soul to sleep a restfully at night
Good question......not anymore, but back in the day.....watch out!
Busted. I do and I don't like that about me. I am very observant and I often comment aloud. I have learned to temper my comments to be less judgmental, but I still can't seem to shut it off completely. While skiing, I have been known to have a running commentary on the ski lift...call it my skier's "play by play." What's interesting about this question is that I consider myself adept at avoiding gossip...but then I still fall short of the ideal by criticizing and commenting on the foibles of strangers. If I don't make fun of them to their face and I don't know them, is it still bad? My "justification" is along the lines of the "If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it does it make a sound" argument. The truth is...I am still practicing being mean.
yes, of others, near others, about others, in regards to others...
The QOTW girl walks into a bar.
The bartender says "What are you drinking?"
The next day fifty people open up an email that says, "What are you drinking?"
Yes, but I only make fun of pompous people. Pomposity just ticks me off!
Only to their faces. And as often as I can.
People making fun others made me so uncomfortable and unhappy in school, that when I hear it going on i usually walk away. I'm a school teacher, and it's amazing how many adults regularly do it, then they wonder why so many of their kids are getting in trouble for bullying.
There are better ways to deal with one's insecurities.
Not since I was reprimanded by a nun in high school for making fun of the class weirdo. She stopped me in my tracks, and in that moment, I saw myself and didn't like what I saw. I never forgot it, and never did it again.
No more than I make fun of myself. Laughter is good for a gal!
only with affection, and if we are good friends.
i was made fun of far too much growing up to ever want to inflict that on anyone else, whether they can hear me or not.
Make fun of others, as in making fun of your friend for paying way to much for a bicycle tune-up? YES
Make fun of others, as in making fun of some person almost tripping on the sidewalk? YES
Make fun of others, as in making fun of my foreigner wife saying some word in English that sounds really weird? YES
I have definitely been known to make fun of others, and I try to make sure I do it in a way that they know about it, otherwise it is too easy!!
y'know, i am pleased to say, not too often, can't even remember. i mean sometimes to their face, but not behind a back.
nope ... never ...
Sometimes I do, and I usually end up feeling really bad about myself at those times. I'm trying to be more tolerant and accepting of the differences I see in people. Afterall, the world would be very boring if we were all the same.
Only if I know that the person is in on the fun making
only those cell phone guys.
I have a friend who has a really difficult time laughing at himself. Every few days, I make up a purportedly real news story about him. Sometimes it is as simple as taking some odd news story and changing the details, but usually there is much more fiction involved. According to some of these stories, my friend has found rare fungal species growing in his garden that caused the entire neighborhood to sing Mario Lanza songs and had a sneaker robbed on the street by a priest that thought it looked just like the Virgin Mary and who wouldn’t let him have it back, but placed it instead in a sanctuary for old ladies to shake their beads at it. He has been arrested while on line at Wall-Mart for moving too slowly forward with his cart, been arrested for running up the aisles on an airplane during flight in a superhero costume, and for being impertinent to a traffic agent. He had become the new Secretary of State and made a 36-hour movie involving a single static shot of cheese. He swam to Tokyo from New York, and was once mistaken for Miley Cyrus while touring in Moscow (he is a actually a man in his mid-forties) and given the keys to the city. In other stories, my friend very happily married his hound dog, started a campaign against nighttime (according to him actually being only deadly black air), and programmed all the outdoor December displays in his neighborhood to perform dirty ditties about Santa Claus, caused the financial crisis. There are actually many more since this has been going on for a couple of years and my friend sometimes howls (like “leave my mother out of it.”), but he really loves that I do it. In the end, I guess you can’t really call this making fun of him. Sticking a pin into the tense air of his balloon is more like it, given how much he appreciates them.
Do I make fun of people? How can I say no when only this morning I saw the story about how 63% of Americans don’t accept Darwin’s theories and reacted by saying to the friends near me that I was so proud to have been a monkey once, because at least I had an excuse then to explain why there were so many knuckleheads around. I don’t attack people individually anymore though. If I get the urge, I always think they have enough troubles with my own waste of energy I would expend in adding to them for them.
No, never. Honestly, I don't.
And mine...
For some reason, when my sisters and I all make fun of our mother, she just laughs and laughs.
Monday, February 2, 2009
What do your hands say about you? (2/2/09)
That I am older than I would like to believe.
i will have more children
Neat, clean, and soft. Vulnerable, and slightly crooked
Long graceful fingers...hint that I am artistic and musical.
The band on left ring finger reveals that I am married. The sparkly diamonds inset in the platinum band and no engagement ring should tell people I am well-loved but quite practical.
The heavy veins on the back of my hands give hint to my age (51) and that my hands well-used.
The very unpolished nails also should communicate that I am a no nonsense, active person.
The shattered thumb nail on the left, with the nail pulled away provides evidence that I play and fall hard.
The gash on my right thumb is from a ski edge. That reveals I was careless enough to ski without gloves...and I fell hard.
There are many small scars on knuckles...again, practical, no nonsense, earth mother type who like to get my hands dirty and doesn't bother with gloves in the garden...or anywhere else.
The callous under my ring finger on the palm says I've been married awhile.
There's a light tan on my hands even in the dead of winter...more evidence of an outdoorsy lifestyle.
My hands are also meticulously clean. I pay attention to details, but I don't bother with manicures. While my hands are decidedly feminine, they tell a story of a well rounded, athletic, artistic earth mother.
her showers are way too fucking long.
That I don't care enough for them.
They’re not talking to me right now. We have a continuing bv6ncdisagreement about the attractiveness of black shiny nail polish. Plus, in the melee that followed the shrieking, the left one scratched me and smacked my cheekbone. Whatever, I poured the polish remover down the toilet.
We are very attached to each other, but dammit, I am in charge here.
Strong, the hands of a mother, and a warrior chick.
I removed my gloves a wee bit early while applying henna several days ago,
That I'm older than I look
I actually have very sensitive hands. It embarrasses me to say so, but it's true.
That I spend more time in the office tapping away at a computer than being outside doing what I actually want to be doing.
That I have lived a long time (hence the dark freckles that weren't there 20 years ago); that I keep my nails looking nice; that they have served me well over the years, but are beginning to thicken around the knuckles. My skin is more wrinkled now than it used to be, but my hands still operate efficiently, especially for their age.
Durn, I didn't know they could talk with me!
I remember going to a palm reader in Berkeley when I was a teenager. He took one look at my hands and said, kind of startled, "Wow, you got a lot going on!"
I'm white.
I'm in my twenties.
I do not perform manual labor on a regular basis.
I play the piano, or should be playing the piano.
I don't care to get (or can't afford) a manicure
I had an allergic reaction to oysters last night and scratched like the dickens.
I need to drink more water moisturize.
I'm married. I don't get manicures regularly. I have soft skin. I'm graceful.
that i'm an old soul
That I can roll the craziest most outlandish blunts with ease
that I'm OCD and wash my hands too fucking much.
I have a medium sized penis. And I'm sensitive and play guitar.
My hands are very small, sweet and delicate, which, when clenched into fists, are akin to speeding bullets. (I learned this as a kid when I finally fought back against a bully.) Something about all that sums up my personality.
I've spent a lot of time in the sun, and forgot to moisturize.
Strength and kindness. Short and stubby, but strength and kindness :-).
They say, " Hard worker, and up and coming star hairstylist!"
That I am a carpenter, heading towards being a business person, and my hands aren't as tough as they used to be. And my left hand says that I am married.
I've never been very expressive with my hands. Words are my forte. I guess the most important things my hands have to say are when they are wrapped around a guitar.
My hands tell many a sad, sordid, brave, foolish and triumphant tales. They are a pair of my most valuable tools. They are scarred, bruised, cut and scabbed... I work with birds (there goes my anonymity ;o)) ... they serve as a perch, a cradle, a means to health and sometimes death. I sometimes hide them in embarrassment as they are not very feminine or attractive. Someone once told me, "I like your hands. They are used well." Mostly, I appreciate them!
Large v-shaped scar and a slight inability to straighten the third finger of my right hand says I had a seizure while scraping paint off a window and cut my finger down to the bone with the razor blade I was using. A three hour surgery and six months of physical therapy and hand restraints fixed it about 98%.
Small straight line scar on the left hand under the thumb says I went too fast with a box cutter while working in my dad's store as a teenager.
Calluses on the side and top of the right index finger and top of right middle finger say I work as a fiber artist and hold sewing needles, felting needles and crochet hooks a lot.
Lots of small scars all over my right lower hand and wrist say that I work with lots of unsocialized, scared rabbits from the shelter who tend to bite really hard.
The general smallness of my hands says that I was malnourished as a child.
Working man!
That I live with a kitty.
And mine...
One school of thought says I am a lesbian, based on the relative length of my first and ring fingers. The long nails and soft finger tips on my left hand say I haven't been playing guitar on a regular basis. Prominent veins say I am fair skinned and 40-something. Long, strong design of them say I am from good, Eastern European peasant stock. The lines apparently told two palm readers that I am a late bloomer. That I believe.
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