I'm not pretty enough, worthy enough, not enough time, not a good mom, will never find peace..more?
where do i begin....I am insecure about not having a college degree (though I'm on the path to completing one); insecure about what men think of me; insecure about my working class family origins; insecure about my intellect and ability to create the life I want; economically insecure and presently have anxiety about future economic hardships; insecure about my gender hybrid body (though I might bare it at Harbin); insecure about all of the unknowns for my life, my community, this nation, and the planet.....glad I'm secure
in the knowledge of impermanence.
I should own a house on Belvedere Street, but I rent an apartment on Alma Street.
I am insecure about my intellect, my sexuality, my abilities, my knowledge, my education, my capacity to love, and most of all my belief that I can overcome these.
I used to be more in shape, that sort of bugs me sometimes. Sometimes at parties, I don't really feel as funny as other people.
the big ones are that I am un-lovable, that I will fail at all the important things, and that without kids, a family, I am incomplete. that people might not like me and somehow this is a bad thing. that I am not going to make it.
We don't have the time to review them all.......
But, at this moment. My weight, and that I am unloveable.....
The future of my job makes me feel insecure.. Everything else in my life is cool, but who can be certain their job will be there next month or next year. Makes it had to plan your finances!
My relationship.
I must be in denial as no insecurities are coming to mind. Or maybe I have integrated them and made peace with them. I had one major insecurity about my appearance, grotesquely stretched skin on my abdomen after giving birth to very large babies. I had a tummy tuck last year and fervently wish I could have afforded to do it 20 years ago. My body is far from perfect and I'm ok with that...but now it all "matches." I'm in a very stable, loving marriage so emotionally I'm on solid footing. Work is work...it comes and goes. Financially, we're in better shape than a lot of folks but one lay off away from tanking. So...I choose to focus on what we have and not get caught up in the "what ifs" emotionally. So, I'm not financially insecure...at the moment...and grateful for it.
My weight.
I would say speaking and physical strength are my two biggest insecurities - not debilitating by any stretch but yeah, not "comfortable" with either at times.
I am insecure of not being enough to other people.
They are legion! And enumerating them only serves to make them more real.
i have a fear that is convinced that all it is is fear. it makes me prone to awkward behavior, the kind and like of which tend to be magnetic. my insecurity is that, Ultimately, I have no fear. so, what happens to the magnet and those therein. i wish i had more security for it.
That I bother people. That no one really cares about me except my husband. That I will die old and alone. That the people I love don't care about me as much as I care about them. That I will never stop having problems with debt and money. That I am really rather stupid and people are too kind to tell me. That I'm not a very talented artist. The list goes on and on. Sigh.
And mine...
That this wonderful project, which deserves to be a book, will never be so because I just can't get it together.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Is life important? Why? (3/22/09)
that's two questions! can i choose which i prefer to answer?
Life is only important to those who are truly alive. The unimaginative, uninformed, unaware and unfriendly are unalive in every aspect meaningful life. For life to flourish it requires compassion for oneself and others. For those who's joy has been obliterated by the un loving purveyors of ignorance, to be alive is to have hope.
Yea, n n0.
Life plants and other matter that keep our ecosystem balanced so that we and other creatures on this planet can exist are indeed important. However, I believe that as far as humans are concerned , its not just life that is important, but the QUALITY of life. Is life to be honored if you are brain-dead?-don't think so, what if you were born with developmental disorders so severe that you hardly even recognize that you're alive-don't think so. I'm a survivalist, a realist, and I firmly believe that not every single form of life is to be valued just for the sake of breathing!
Life is the ability for matter to recreate copies of itself. It has led to our ability to observe the rest of the natural world and wonder as to its origins. Is it important? Yes. Why? Because without it, this conversation wouldn't exist.
My life is important to me because it's mine and it's my only frame of reference. But, in general, I believe life is "important" only because it's part of a greater system. I do not hold that human life is sacred or of greater value than any other form of existence. Life is a biological process...plant life, human life, animal life...all has a genesis, a span, and an end. Part of the life cycle is death and decay. Lots of seeds don't even germinate, many others are eliminated shortly after germinating...due to a heavy frost or selective thinning. Same goes for critters and humans. We're just biologicals. We humans think very highly of ourselves, but I view humans as the worst sort of parasite. We foul our own "nest", attack and kill for pleasure or power, consumer in excess, and generally make a mess of things. We're not very nice as a species and I think Mother Nature might be better off by ridding the planet of us. We're no better the fleas on dog...indeed, we're far worse. I have trouble seeing "humans" as being beneficial in the great system. Yes, we do have our bright moments, but our presence has brought decline to the planet, not benefit.
Ridiculously easy to answer: YES. The opportunity to make a difference
in the lives of other beings, sentient or otherwise. The chance to
gently steward the earth, the chance to leave this place even slightly
importance seems to be a value judgement.
so, you are asking life to judge life.
life is.
isness is.
importance is a mind-construct.
importance is not important.
It's only important if you're living it with the intention of DOING THE RIGHT THING.
Life is as important as we make it. Connecting with others, building community, love ~ these are the things that make life worthwhile. Besides, we might as well enjoy it; we'll be dead a long time!
of course it is! if it isn't important, I won't be alive. and if I'm alive then I value mine and I shouldn't think anyone or anything else that has life be any different!
Is it important? I guess so, otherwise I wouldn't be here. WHY is it important? That's been pondered since the beginning of consciousness, and basically, it's anyone's guess.
depends on what you mean by 'life' and 'important'. is it important to live on earth? no. is it important that you are living on earth? are you living? is it importantly? life, as we've 'come to know it', in the end, may never have meant anything at all. how's that for a good day!
Yes. Because.
It's important to the lives you've touched and the ones you intend to touch along your journey.
Life is beyond important it just is: it exists. We as humans can make some thing mean more then it is or less then it is to ourselves, but life was here before our own life and it will be here after we pass into death and back in to the cycle of energetic creation. Life itself does not think life is important. It is here now until it isn't. It is pure of judgement.
Not in and of itself. I don't believe in the reincarnation idea that we're here to learn something every go round. Nor do I believe in the idea of heaven and hell. So it doesn't seem like there's much point to life. And if there's no point that makes life pretty meaningless.
However, I say 'not in and of itself' because the above doesn't mean that we should just give up on our lives; I say make the most of it. And humans seem really good at attaching a meaning to things that don't have one so we can pretend if that makes us feel better about hanging around.
Wow. Quite a week for this question. I don't know how I would've answered it prior to Thursday, which is when I found out about the sudden and unexpected death of the husband of a friend. Well, I know I would've said that yes, life is important. And I know I would've had the following reason: to experience the joy and happiness, along with the sorrow and pain. Without the latter, would we know how to enjoy the former? I don't think so.
Now I would add that I think life is important to those who love us, and even to complete strangers. We all affect each other in so many different ways, ways that we may never even know. Someone pays your toll when crossing the bridge, which leads you to do something kind for someone else later in the day, and so on and so forth. Without that first gift, the others would not follow. So, the life of that first person made a difference in the lives of others they didn't even know. Just think of what you can do for someone you DO know, much less a stranger on the street? How can your life make a positive difference in someone else's life? It's a ripple effect. And it all comes back to you.
Life for its own sake is not particularly important. What makes it important is what we do while we're here; who we love, what we do. how we improve life for those around us and improve ourselves in the process.
I think it's important to the living, but mainly because of the fear of the alternative.
In the big, big, huge picture of things, I'm honestly not sure if it is important. If there were no life, the world would probably not be better or worse, just very, very different.
Otherwise I would have never heard "God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys.
For beauty.
For love.
For art.
For one another.
For good days.
For bad days when you see someone or something that makes you smile.
For meaning.
For the undercurrent.
For the touch when everything goes away.
And what we can't touch but feel
For those sometimes undefinable moments ...
For so many reasons...
Yes. Not sure yet.
And mine...
I don't think of my life as being important. It is just a life. And life in and of itself is neither important nor unimportant.
On Wednesday night I was walking home and saw an ambulance in front of the home of a friend. Her husband was being carried away on a stretcher, one paramedic pumping his chest while the other two lifted him into the ambulance.
He didn't make it. His life now seems very important.
the dead's features are writ large in a heart
whose plane and distance tear apart
Life is only important to those who are truly alive. The unimaginative, uninformed, unaware and unfriendly are unalive in every aspect meaningful life. For life to flourish it requires compassion for oneself and others. For those who's joy has been obliterated by the un loving purveyors of ignorance, to be alive is to have hope.
Yea, n n0.
Life plants and other matter that keep our ecosystem balanced so that we and other creatures on this planet can exist are indeed important. However, I believe that as far as humans are concerned , its not just life that is important, but the QUALITY of life. Is life to be honored if you are brain-dead?-don't think so, what if you were born with developmental disorders so severe that you hardly even recognize that you're alive-don't think so. I'm a survivalist, a realist, and I firmly believe that not every single form of life is to be valued just for the sake of breathing!
Life is the ability for matter to recreate copies of itself. It has led to our ability to observe the rest of the natural world and wonder as to its origins. Is it important? Yes. Why? Because without it, this conversation wouldn't exist.
My life is important to me because it's mine and it's my only frame of reference. But, in general, I believe life is "important" only because it's part of a greater system. I do not hold that human life is sacred or of greater value than any other form of existence. Life is a biological process...plant life, human life, animal life...all has a genesis, a span, and an end. Part of the life cycle is death and decay. Lots of seeds don't even germinate, many others are eliminated shortly after germinating...due to a heavy frost or selective thinning. Same goes for critters and humans. We're just biologicals. We humans think very highly of ourselves, but I view humans as the worst sort of parasite. We foul our own "nest", attack and kill for pleasure or power, consumer in excess, and generally make a mess of things. We're not very nice as a species and I think Mother Nature might be better off by ridding the planet of us. We're no better the fleas on dog...indeed, we're far worse. I have trouble seeing "humans" as being beneficial in the great system. Yes, we do have our bright moments, but our presence has brought decline to the planet, not benefit.
Ridiculously easy to answer: YES. The opportunity to make a difference
in the lives of other beings, sentient or otherwise. The chance to
gently steward the earth, the chance to leave this place even slightly
importance seems to be a value judgement.
so, you are asking life to judge life.
life is.
isness is.
importance is a mind-construct.
importance is not important.
It's only important if you're living it with the intention of DOING THE RIGHT THING.
Life is as important as we make it. Connecting with others, building community, love ~ these are the things that make life worthwhile. Besides, we might as well enjoy it; we'll be dead a long time!
of course it is! if it isn't important, I won't be alive. and if I'm alive then I value mine and I shouldn't think anyone or anything else that has life be any different!
Is it important? I guess so, otherwise I wouldn't be here. WHY is it important? That's been pondered since the beginning of consciousness, and basically, it's anyone's guess.
depends on what you mean by 'life' and 'important'. is it important to live on earth? no. is it important that you are living on earth? are you living? is it importantly? life, as we've 'come to know it', in the end, may never have meant anything at all. how's that for a good day!
Yes. Because.
It's important to the lives you've touched and the ones you intend to touch along your journey.
Life is beyond important it just is: it exists. We as humans can make some thing mean more then it is or less then it is to ourselves, but life was here before our own life and it will be here after we pass into death and back in to the cycle of energetic creation. Life itself does not think life is important. It is here now until it isn't. It is pure of judgement.
Not in and of itself. I don't believe in the reincarnation idea that we're here to learn something every go round. Nor do I believe in the idea of heaven and hell. So it doesn't seem like there's much point to life. And if there's no point that makes life pretty meaningless.
However, I say 'not in and of itself' because the above doesn't mean that we should just give up on our lives; I say make the most of it. And humans seem really good at attaching a meaning to things that don't have one so we can pretend if that makes us feel better about hanging around.
Wow. Quite a week for this question. I don't know how I would've answered it prior to Thursday, which is when I found out about the sudden and unexpected death of the husband of a friend. Well, I know I would've said that yes, life is important. And I know I would've had the following reason: to experience the joy and happiness, along with the sorrow and pain. Without the latter, would we know how to enjoy the former? I don't think so.
Now I would add that I think life is important to those who love us, and even to complete strangers. We all affect each other in so many different ways, ways that we may never even know. Someone pays your toll when crossing the bridge, which leads you to do something kind for someone else later in the day, and so on and so forth. Without that first gift, the others would not follow. So, the life of that first person made a difference in the lives of others they didn't even know. Just think of what you can do for someone you DO know, much less a stranger on the street? How can your life make a positive difference in someone else's life? It's a ripple effect. And it all comes back to you.
Life for its own sake is not particularly important. What makes it important is what we do while we're here; who we love, what we do. how we improve life for those around us and improve ourselves in the process.
I think it's important to the living, but mainly because of the fear of the alternative.
In the big, big, huge picture of things, I'm honestly not sure if it is important. If there were no life, the world would probably not be better or worse, just very, very different.
Otherwise I would have never heard "God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys.
For beauty.
For love.
For art.
For one another.
For good days.
For bad days when you see someone or something that makes you smile.
For meaning.
For the undercurrent.
For the touch when everything goes away.
And what we can't touch but feel
For those sometimes undefinable moments ...
For so many reasons...
Yes. Not sure yet.
And mine...
I don't think of my life as being important. It is just a life. And life in and of itself is neither important nor unimportant.
On Wednesday night I was walking home and saw an ambulance in front of the home of a friend. Her husband was being carried away on a stretcher, one paramedic pumping his chest while the other two lifted him into the ambulance.
He didn't make it. His life now seems very important.
the dead's features are writ large in a heart
whose plane and distance tear apart
Monday, March 16, 2009
Who(m) do you trust? (3/16/08)
My teacher.
I do trust a lot more people than I used to, but it's still very challenging!
I trust the playwright Sarah Kane.
I trust everyone to be human and fallible. I trust my husband's judgment above all else. I trust in the laws of nature.
my best friend, my mother, my boyfriend, and myself. beyond that there are quite a few people that i trust, but conditionally. i find that i'm very guarded with that, but as I do more and more work on myself i find that i'm able to open up and trust more, with less and less conditions or limitations. to me the hardest thing to trust or believe in is that i no longer will get hurt because i'm choosing to open up to people who are good for me right now, and that's ok. it's a process i guess...
My gut, and my mom.
Starting to trust Sir.
About 15 in varying degrees
About 5 implicitly
God, though I keep forgetting....
The only person I have absolute trust in is myself. I have a great
deal of trust in all of my close friends as well.
I trust that life is right in any case. I trust life to act as life, humans to be human, and that all things in existence come to change.
no one explicitly. sad, isn't it.
first thought - I mean very first words that popped up before I could think about it was: no one. Cliche, sad and so unevolved. But true. But I am in a very bad mood right now.
I trust different people with different things, depending on their sensibilities--I trust some with my emotions, some with my secrets, others with my physical safety. There are very few people who I distrust entirely and likewise, there are very few who I trust entirely. Including myself.
My husband. My friend Sarah, whom I have known for years, and her husband Ted. My friend Heather, who is an open book and has a sweet heart. My "art child" Rebecca, who is far too trusting herself....
My higher power, my dog, my family and a wonderful group of friends.
This question reminds me that today I have people I trust.....wasn't always the case
my instincts will tell me who to trust
I trust my instincts. I trust the revelations that come to me in meditation. So I basically trust myself....and my god which is within. I also trust my closest advisers. Politically, I trust that Obama will do the right thing. He seems spiritually fit to lead with integrity.
For the most part, my sponsor. Then I realize, she's only human, too.
My dog, Pepper. Never lied to me once, ever.
Everyone to a point.
People aren't to be trusted. I trust mathematics, gravity, and the forces that hold atoms and molecules together.
That said, the people I have found trustworthy are the ones I love.
This is one of the hardest question you could ask me. "Who do you trust", coupled with "Are you safe". There are moments, but only moments, of trust and safety. The rest of the time is spent in search of....
The love of my life with all my heart! I actually consider myself lucky that I have many people in my life that I can trust. Very close friends and family. I weed out all those that I cannot trust. Trust is the foundation of any good relationship, from deep ones to acquaintances. Its not worth being around those that you don't trust because when you do they will eventually fail you, and when they do fail you, you lose a little bit of trust in yourself for trusting them in the first place.
myself and my gut
i don't think there's really anyone i trust. the horrible feelings of gut wrenching pain and regret when i trust and get stomped on hold me back from really trusting.
Completely and unconditionally? Nobody? The more I know someone, the more I trust them, conditionally, in a wider range of interactions. Ex: I can always trust X with money; I could always trust Y to be supportive of artistic endeavor; I can always trust Z to say no; but I wouldn't trust any of them in all things. I would never trust me to do the correct thing.
my mother
Existence itself requires some sort of trust. Every day there is an implicit trust to one's actions. So the short answer is I trust many people to varying degrees.
Whom do I trust? William Strunk, Jr.!
And mine...
I do trust a lot more people than I used to, but it's still very challenging!
I trust the playwright Sarah Kane.
I trust everyone to be human and fallible. I trust my husband's judgment above all else. I trust in the laws of nature.
my best friend, my mother, my boyfriend, and myself. beyond that there are quite a few people that i trust, but conditionally. i find that i'm very guarded with that, but as I do more and more work on myself i find that i'm able to open up and trust more, with less and less conditions or limitations. to me the hardest thing to trust or believe in is that i no longer will get hurt because i'm choosing to open up to people who are good for me right now, and that's ok. it's a process i guess...
My gut, and my mom.
Starting to trust Sir.
About 15 in varying degrees
About 5 implicitly
God, though I keep forgetting....
The only person I have absolute trust in is myself. I have a great
deal of trust in all of my close friends as well.
I trust that life is right in any case. I trust life to act as life, humans to be human, and that all things in existence come to change.
no one explicitly. sad, isn't it.
first thought - I mean very first words that popped up before I could think about it was: no one. Cliche, sad and so unevolved. But true. But I am in a very bad mood right now.
I trust different people with different things, depending on their sensibilities--I trust some with my emotions, some with my secrets, others with my physical safety. There are very few people who I distrust entirely and likewise, there are very few who I trust entirely. Including myself.
My husband. My friend Sarah, whom I have known for years, and her husband Ted. My friend Heather, who is an open book and has a sweet heart. My "art child" Rebecca, who is far too trusting herself....
My higher power, my dog, my family and a wonderful group of friends.
This question reminds me that today I have people I trust.....wasn't always the case
my instincts will tell me who to trust
I trust my instincts. I trust the revelations that come to me in meditation. So I basically trust myself....and my god which is within. I also trust my closest advisers. Politically, I trust that Obama will do the right thing. He seems spiritually fit to lead with integrity.
For the most part, my sponsor. Then I realize, she's only human, too.
My dog, Pepper. Never lied to me once, ever.
Everyone to a point.
People aren't to be trusted. I trust mathematics, gravity, and the forces that hold atoms and molecules together.
That said, the people I have found trustworthy are the ones I love.
This is one of the hardest question you could ask me. "Who do you trust", coupled with "Are you safe". There are moments, but only moments, of trust and safety. The rest of the time is spent in search of....
The love of my life with all my heart! I actually consider myself lucky that I have many people in my life that I can trust. Very close friends and family. I weed out all those that I cannot trust. Trust is the foundation of any good relationship, from deep ones to acquaintances. Its not worth being around those that you don't trust because when you do they will eventually fail you, and when they do fail you, you lose a little bit of trust in yourself for trusting them in the first place.
myself and my gut
i don't think there's really anyone i trust. the horrible feelings of gut wrenching pain and regret when i trust and get stomped on hold me back from really trusting.
Completely and unconditionally? Nobody? The more I know someone, the more I trust them, conditionally, in a wider range of interactions. Ex: I can always trust X with money; I could always trust Y to be supportive of artistic endeavor; I can always trust Z to say no; but I wouldn't trust any of them in all things. I would never trust me to do the correct thing.
my mother
Existence itself requires some sort of trust. Every day there is an implicit trust to one's actions. So the short answer is I trust many people to varying degrees.
Whom do I trust? William Strunk, Jr.!
And mine...
Sunday, March 8, 2009
How long will it take? (3/8/09)
Itz dpen. wife n kidz aint s0 easy 2 get wit my idenaty n my level 0f 0penness n where i b. tryin b4 30.
However long it needs to take.
As long as your actions
until the cows come home
as long as necessary to get where i want.
I try not to ask myself that question anymore........
It's coming......that's all I know.
Unfortunately, I think it will take far too long for SO many things!
Until I'm done! Now stop asking...
It depends on if you have to go thru New Jersey to get there. At least that's my 4 yr. old grandson's measure of "how long." I drove up to Connecticut to pick our grandsons up for a weekend at our mountain house. The first leg of the trip is around 5 hours, most of it crossing New Jersey on the turnpike. Every few minutes, Hunter would ask, "Where are we?" The inevitable answer was "New Jersey" so he thinks New Jersey is the biggest place EVER. In our drive from Maryland to our WV place, he decided it took a New Jersey to get there.
whatever it is, it always takes longer than we would want it to. i guess we just have to get comfortable with the natural pace of things, which seems a lot slower than our starbucks induced rat race mentalities would have us believe is the natural pace of things.
Hopefully, from now:
94 days, 14 hr, 22 min and 55 seconds
A good bit longer
Seemingly forever.
Four to six weeks for him to return from boot camp. His scoliosis is too severe.
If I call it in ahead of time, its usually ready in about ten minutes, which is about the time it takes me to walk over to Sunflower Vietnamese Restaurant.
the rest of my life, so, hopefully, a long time.
Just till the end of the year...I'm about a quarter of the way through. Wish me luck.
An hour to 10 years. Give or take a minute or two.
the thing is, for me i don't think it ever ends. and if someone had told me that before i started, i'm sure i would have said forget that, i can't live with that every day for years on end, let alone the rest of my life. but when it's actually happening, it somehow is completely different from how i thought it would be. not exactly easier, or exactly harder, but different. and somehow tolerable in a wholly unanticipated way.
It went undetected until his PT test at the start of basic. Even the MEPS doctors missed it. The curve is 25 degrees, 5 degrees over their limit.
At least twice as long as I would like for it to take!
as Aimme Mann would say, it's not going to stop until I wise up.
that is an unanswerable question. however, there is a context within which that question becomes the best inside joke ever!
as long as it takes
It will take the rest of my life.
as long as it takes.
Please allow up to 10 minutes for the juices to soak in for the best flavor.
Allow up to 5 minutes for me to adjust the tax rate
It's going to be long if you think about it. Can you tell me a joke or
give me a compliment?
that's what I wanna know too!
as long as it needs to
It will take as long as it takes.
I'm a sixty minute man!
And mine...
It took a little more than a year. But I am very happy.
However long it needs to take.
As long as your actions
until the cows come home
as long as necessary to get where i want.
I try not to ask myself that question anymore........
It's coming......that's all I know.
Unfortunately, I think it will take far too long for SO many things!
Until I'm done! Now stop asking...
It depends on if you have to go thru New Jersey to get there. At least that's my 4 yr. old grandson's measure of "how long." I drove up to Connecticut to pick our grandsons up for a weekend at our mountain house. The first leg of the trip is around 5 hours, most of it crossing New Jersey on the turnpike. Every few minutes, Hunter would ask, "Where are we?" The inevitable answer was "New Jersey" so he thinks New Jersey is the biggest place EVER. In our drive from Maryland to our WV place, he decided it took a New Jersey to get there.
whatever it is, it always takes longer than we would want it to. i guess we just have to get comfortable with the natural pace of things, which seems a lot slower than our starbucks induced rat race mentalities would have us believe is the natural pace of things.
Hopefully, from now:
94 days, 14 hr, 22 min and 55 seconds
A good bit longer
Seemingly forever.
Four to six weeks for him to return from boot camp. His scoliosis is too severe.
If I call it in ahead of time, its usually ready in about ten minutes, which is about the time it takes me to walk over to Sunflower Vietnamese Restaurant.
the rest of my life, so, hopefully, a long time.
Just till the end of the year...I'm about a quarter of the way through. Wish me luck.
An hour to 10 years. Give or take a minute or two.
the thing is, for me i don't think it ever ends. and if someone had told me that before i started, i'm sure i would have said forget that, i can't live with that every day for years on end, let alone the rest of my life. but when it's actually happening, it somehow is completely different from how i thought it would be. not exactly easier, or exactly harder, but different. and somehow tolerable in a wholly unanticipated way.
It went undetected until his PT test at the start of basic. Even the MEPS doctors missed it. The curve is 25 degrees, 5 degrees over their limit.
At least twice as long as I would like for it to take!
as Aimme Mann would say, it's not going to stop until I wise up.
that is an unanswerable question. however, there is a context within which that question becomes the best inside joke ever!
as long as it takes
It will take the rest of my life.
as long as it takes.
Please allow up to 10 minutes for the juices to soak in for the best flavor.
Allow up to 5 minutes for me to adjust the tax rate
It's going to be long if you think about it. Can you tell me a joke or
give me a compliment?
that's what I wanna know too!
as long as it needs to
It will take as long as it takes.
I'm a sixty minute man!
And mine...
It took a little more than a year. But I am very happy.
Monday, March 2, 2009
What do you deserve? (3/2/09)
What do you deserve?
A wife, kidz, j0b n h0use.
The definition of grace is an undeserved blessing. I don't know what I deserve, but I've certainly experienced grace!
A sexy wonderful man
To have my boyfriend return from basic training safe, sound, and proud.
all we ever wanted, was everything - bauhaus
and I deserve everything that is best, or to be one with God, whichever. they are the same thing probably. nothing. everything. everything is here. there is no "I".
to be safe. to feel safe. to be released from the bondage of self. to be released from the bondage of my monkey mind......to be. released from the bondage (delusion?) of hiding in denial. to be released from the bondage of PTSD...ultimately.....To have the life that I want while being of service to others.
Apparently nothing............
Unconditional love.
Everything I've worked hard for.
At the same time .... nothing.
compassion, health, kindness,respect,happiness, just like everybody else
I deserve the fruits of my labor, to share them with others at my discretion. Despite being a liberal Democrat all my life, I increasingly feel like everyone wants to share MY wealth, which ain't much, but at least I came by it honestly.
I deserve a chance to grow and make conscious decisions. I like to sleep in once a week too.
The assumption of innocence
nothing and everything.
Everyone deserves legal protection, clean air and water, clean food,
access to medical care at a fair price. Respect and most importantly,
freedom. Much of the rest comes under 'reap what you sow'.
I have more than I deserve, I am very grateful - but don't ask me to give it up!
Absolutely nothing. Deserve sounds like a hoarding, ownership, demand thing. I'd rather invite joy, the satisfaction of hard work, laughter, peace, and a sense of wonderment. I attract based on what I emit. I deserve nothing, but I strive to graciously accept all gifts.
I deserve the best. we all do. don't settle
I'd like to think I deserve better than I have, but the truth of the matter is I have everything I've earned - good and "bad" (or challenging).
I deserve ... better than the lot life has so far afforded me!
better. better than what I pick for myself.
Like everyone on the planet, human rights. Beyond that, it's all conjecture.
Happiness, safety, fun, life, friends, health, love and family, not necessarily in that order. Oh, and a nice Hefeweizen on a Friday after work.
holy access to the Veil, a bit of history, some air included, and the rights to my soul. in addition, i should be able to muster up a date. but that's being negotiated by the founding fathers. i also deserve the chance to extend the life of the planet ad infinitum, accordingly, and in accord. one last thing, an interview on CNN, with the kennedy file open and ready. so to be able to return some goods to the world. go 9/11.
Lucky for me I didn't get what I deserved!
A wife, kidz, j0b n h0use.
The definition of grace is an undeserved blessing. I don't know what I deserve, but I've certainly experienced grace!
A sexy wonderful man
To have my boyfriend return from basic training safe, sound, and proud.
all we ever wanted, was everything - bauhaus
and I deserve everything that is best, or to be one with God, whichever. they are the same thing probably. nothing. everything. everything is here. there is no "I".
to be safe. to feel safe. to be released from the bondage of self. to be released from the bondage of my monkey mind......to be. released from the bondage (delusion?) of hiding in denial. to be released from the bondage of PTSD...ultimately.....To have the life that I want while being of service to others.
Apparently nothing............
Unconditional love.
Everything I've worked hard for.
At the same time .... nothing.
compassion, health, kindness,respect,happiness, just like everybody else
I deserve the fruits of my labor, to share them with others at my discretion. Despite being a liberal Democrat all my life, I increasingly feel like everyone wants to share MY wealth, which ain't much, but at least I came by it honestly.
I deserve a chance to grow and make conscious decisions. I like to sleep in once a week too.
The assumption of innocence
nothing and everything.
Everyone deserves legal protection, clean air and water, clean food,
access to medical care at a fair price. Respect and most importantly,
freedom. Much of the rest comes under 'reap what you sow'.
I have more than I deserve, I am very grateful - but don't ask me to give it up!
Absolutely nothing. Deserve sounds like a hoarding, ownership, demand thing. I'd rather invite joy, the satisfaction of hard work, laughter, peace, and a sense of wonderment. I attract based on what I emit. I deserve nothing, but I strive to graciously accept all gifts.
I deserve the best. we all do. don't settle
I'd like to think I deserve better than I have, but the truth of the matter is I have everything I've earned - good and "bad" (or challenging).
I deserve ... better than the lot life has so far afforded me!
better. better than what I pick for myself.
Like everyone on the planet, human rights. Beyond that, it's all conjecture.
Happiness, safety, fun, life, friends, health, love and family, not necessarily in that order. Oh, and a nice Hefeweizen on a Friday after work.
holy access to the Veil, a bit of history, some air included, and the rights to my soul. in addition, i should be able to muster up a date. but that's being negotiated by the founding fathers. i also deserve the chance to extend the life of the planet ad infinitum, accordingly, and in accord. one last thing, an interview on CNN, with the kennedy file open and ready. so to be able to return some goods to the world. go 9/11.
Lucky for me I didn't get what I deserved!
I'm sad. Please tell me something happy. (2/23/09)
Strong warm hands massaging your tension away.
O.K., here's a story.
Last week I took my two boys on a skiing trip to Vermont, (well, snowboarding for them). They had been only once before two or three years ago with their mother and both were struggling somewhat on the first day, the younger (12) worst of all. Finally after more than an hour of trying to get down the mountain,
he wiped out again and hit his head with the snowboard and I came over to find little tears streaming down from his eyes. He was so frustrated. First I told him not to worry, that there was no rush to get down the mountain and that we would compose ourselves and finish, as we were near the lodge anyway. When we got to the lodge I took him upstairs to the ski school and hired a pro to work with him for a couple of hours. The next morning, he was very confident, clued his older brother in to a couple of tips that he learned from the pro and we went up again. This time he made it all the way down with only a handful of sit-down spills. By the end of the afternoon I couldn't even keep up with him. He would be waiting at the lift for five or ten minutes and ready to go again when I slid in on my tired dad legs. I finally let him go by himself and he went right down the intermediate slope in about 10 minutes.
It was such a rewarding experience I could barely contain my pride and respect for his ability to get back up and succeed where he had been so thoroughly defeated. It was one of those moments as a parent when you finally believe you have taught your offspring something useful and the unadulterated love that you feel for them fills your whole universe.
Then we all went and had a great dinner and slept like angels were watching over us through the night.
I got home last night after 10 days away from home. My cat, Buddy, had been in the care of my roommate. Buddy woke me up three times this morning for attention by standing on me and purring in my face and making biscuits where ever his paws could reach. No amount of money would ever be enough to make me give him away!
You're rad.
And the sound of the rain outside is so relaxing.
my sister stopped by to say hi when i've been home sick and alone all day. that made me happy that i have someone like her in my life.
The older I get, the more I love my parents.
I am going to Baltimore this summer to have a reunion with my Mom's side of the family, including 3 cousins and their families (spouses and 7 children all together). I haven't seen one of my cousins in over 20 years, and I've never met her hubby. I also haven't met 4 of the 7 children. It's going to be wonderful!
After 7 days there, I'm off to Puerto Rico for 5 days. My first time there, staying with a friend of a friend. (Although I have been emailing with him for over a year now, so he's really my friend, too, I suppose, just was hers first.)
I got a great rate on the flights (less than $600 for all 3 flights), and get to stay free in both places. What more could a gal ask for?
You are a lovely, loving and lovable manifestation of the Divine.
yellow flowers are very pretty and kindof match your hair, sometimes.
I am listening to the "pain and pleasure concerto" by the lords of acid.
soon I will be watching buffy and drinking chocolate milk.
love is the only true reality.
Bonobos are apes who live in societies governed by older females. They are extremeley physically affectionate with one another, and survive communally, sharing the food found by the males which is divided by the matriachs and passed around. Unlike chimpanzees, they do not murder. Anthropologists are currently researching the theory that humans are actually more closely related to Bonobos.
your hair smells amazing!!!
feel the same way. I look forward to reading the responses. On my way home today I was thinking that I have become the worst version of myself... misanthropic, cynical, semi-isolated. I'm actually not sure what to say to make anyone else happy right now... maybe something like a contrived, inspirational quote or news bit, but I know of none. Something that makes me happy, that makes me smile are my pet rats. They are quite cute & I like feeding them spinach, kale, & healthy food because they seem to enjoy it & that makes me happy. Somehow becoming apart of an anonymous weekly question group mailing list thing has also made me rather happy... I am guaranteed at least two emails a week.
Your sadness is temporary........you will be happy again.
You are a child of God.....you are loved and taken care of......you will not be forgotten or left behind and yes, you are loved.......
Every morning my 4 month daughter wakes on her own, she doesn't cry, she
just talks to herself until we come to get her. When she sees us she smiles
and squeals and laughs with glee. It is always a good day to her.
Go borrow someone's kittens. Watching a litter of kitten, puppies, or just about any baby animal makes my heart smile. Take a "walk" with a three-year old child and rediscover the world.
I do have happy news this week. After months of casting about for either new work for my consulting practice and normal, full-time employment, the dam finally broke last week. I have verbal agreement on a 3 month contract which covers my share of household expenses for a year; I have a job interview for a federal job on Wednesday; I passed the first phase of testing for a county job, and I got a call from a placement firm to interview for a private sector position thru them. I had not had one single nibble in months. MONTHS and MONTHS. No responses. I was in a career black hole.
And in the victory column, the client with whom I will be working is one I worked for last year. One of their senior staff was extremely rude, abrasive, and used me to blame shift her incompetence in highly inappropriate ways. I stood up to her and actually reported her to top of her chain of command (someone who is not easily approachable). I was very specific about how hurtful and inappropriate her behavior was and that I would not work with her again. I figured I probably shot down my chance to ever work for this client again by standing up for myself so vocally. (In consulting, we pretty much eat shit, smile, and thank them for the opportunity to dine.) I was directly sought out for this contract...proof I could risk taking care of myself and speaking my truth!
AND, I should get to take my grandbabies skiing for their first time this weekend (they are 2 and 4). I can't wait to get my baby lovin's!!
I'm sure everyone will say this, but it's probably worth repeating:
"This too shall pass."
My 14-year-old son found an old flute in my music room, asked if he could have it, and is now teaching himself how to play that lovely little instrument. Listening to a young man play the flute is a wonderful thing, and it sure makes me happy to hear.
It's in the darkness that the light is ever more apparent. And remember, this, too, shall pass.
Spring is about to burst forth ... daffodils are already projecting warm weather.
Time to cleanup the golf clubs. Oh Yeah!
I love you, GoDa
The other night, I was walking up the block towards my house, looking at the stars, and I was struck with an overwhelming sense of gratitude... for my life here in San Francisco, for my apartment and the people in my building, for my job and my co-workers, and most of all for the friends I've made since moving here... which very much includes you!
Fluffy kittens frolic in a rainbow land with cotton candy clouds, cherry-blossom gum drop trees and glitter-winged birdies singing Japanese pop songs.
It ALWAYS gets better! And most of the time I see you, you are very happy. AND the sadness is just a door to deeper connection w god. Walk IN and it will dissipate faster.
Love and light
Today is a new day and it can be whatever you wish it to be. Go for a walk in the park. See what inspires you and notice things being present that you wouldnt normally notice. Remember, you belong to the world and it belongs to you. xoxo
"optapus" (octopus), "biper" (diaper), "me do it" (I would like to attempt that myself), "lemmellade" (lemonade), "mohnserz" (monsters), "what da heck?" (this statement gets a rise out of you), "talk bunny" (entertain me by making my bunny into a interactive puppet, NOW)
smiling yet?
Put your self in someone else's shoes, your problem is minute to someone starving with no food and shelter , always look at the positive
I'm finally getting over a cough and nasal congestion that has hung on for FOUR WEEKS! I am so glad to be able to sleep through the night without having to wake my neighbors with my coughing. I am also glad that the tenderness around my nose - from blowing my nose so frequently - is healing! This may not be what makes you happy, but is certainly does the trick for me!
"Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers,
"Grow, grow . . ."
-The Talmud
You're loved more than you know and by more people than you first thought!
"This too shall pass" - Sorry, wish I had something better but it's the most honest hope I have.
the Savior has Returned.for all those interested . .
babies laughs
puppies bouncing as they walk
waking up to kisses in the morning
finishing something challenging
fulfilling food cravings
eating good food
friends & family healthy
your new beau getting along with your friends
thoughtful gestures
random acts of kindnesses
hanging out with good, funny & fun ppl
being silly with friends
seeing my family & friends happy
warm sunshine on my face
I hope that this list will cheer you up a little :)
I bought tickets to Paris to surprise my wife for her 30th birthday!
You're our friend and we love you; I love you. Does that help?
Question of the Week is a cool idea. (And the answers too).
Obama is president.
Maybe during the next hour, minute or even second something good will happen.
I'm piecing myself together more and more every day! was that happy enough? I'm pretty happy about it. just as happy as a little yellow flower.
Well, to be honest, I really feel that if you're feeling sad, it's really best to just go with that feeling and not try to cheer yourself up. People shy away from sadness when it's actually a good emotion to get in touch with.
However, if you insist on happiness - the daffodils are all blooming like crazy around here, the lettuce is coming up, my non-profit group just got it's 501(c)3 status, there is a new administration with a new agenda in the White House, and, to quote Matisse - "There are always flowers for those who wish to see them."
Just look in the mirror and stick your tongue out reeeeeeeallly far. Pretend you are Gene Simmons. That should cheer you up!!
My son who is 2 calls farts, sarts.
This too shall pass.
You are loved, especially by me.
There, that was one funny and 2 happy.
And mine...
Wow. Thank you. I am deeply humbled by the foregoing lovefest. You all pretty much ROCK!
O.K., here's a story.
Last week I took my two boys on a skiing trip to Vermont, (well, snowboarding for them). They had been only once before two or three years ago with their mother and both were struggling somewhat on the first day, the younger (12) worst of all. Finally after more than an hour of trying to get down the mountain,
he wiped out again and hit his head with the snowboard and I came over to find little tears streaming down from his eyes. He was so frustrated. First I told him not to worry, that there was no rush to get down the mountain and that we would compose ourselves and finish, as we were near the lodge anyway. When we got to the lodge I took him upstairs to the ski school and hired a pro to work with him for a couple of hours. The next morning, he was very confident, clued his older brother in to a couple of tips that he learned from the pro and we went up again. This time he made it all the way down with only a handful of sit-down spills. By the end of the afternoon I couldn't even keep up with him. He would be waiting at the lift for five or ten minutes and ready to go again when I slid in on my tired dad legs. I finally let him go by himself and he went right down the intermediate slope in about 10 minutes.
It was such a rewarding experience I could barely contain my pride and respect for his ability to get back up and succeed where he had been so thoroughly defeated. It was one of those moments as a parent when you finally believe you have taught your offspring something useful and the unadulterated love that you feel for them fills your whole universe.
Then we all went and had a great dinner and slept like angels were watching over us through the night.
I got home last night after 10 days away from home. My cat, Buddy, had been in the care of my roommate. Buddy woke me up three times this morning for attention by standing on me and purring in my face and making biscuits where ever his paws could reach. No amount of money would ever be enough to make me give him away!
You're rad.
And the sound of the rain outside is so relaxing.
my sister stopped by to say hi when i've been home sick and alone all day. that made me happy that i have someone like her in my life.
The older I get, the more I love my parents.
I am going to Baltimore this summer to have a reunion with my Mom's side of the family, including 3 cousins and their families (spouses and 7 children all together). I haven't seen one of my cousins in over 20 years, and I've never met her hubby. I also haven't met 4 of the 7 children. It's going to be wonderful!
After 7 days there, I'm off to Puerto Rico for 5 days. My first time there, staying with a friend of a friend. (Although I have been emailing with him for over a year now, so he's really my friend, too, I suppose, just was hers first.)
I got a great rate on the flights (less than $600 for all 3 flights), and get to stay free in both places. What more could a gal ask for?
You are a lovely, loving and lovable manifestation of the Divine.
yellow flowers are very pretty and kindof match your hair, sometimes.
I am listening to the "pain and pleasure concerto" by the lords of acid.
soon I will be watching buffy and drinking chocolate milk.
love is the only true reality.
Bonobos are apes who live in societies governed by older females. They are extremeley physically affectionate with one another, and survive communally, sharing the food found by the males which is divided by the matriachs and passed around. Unlike chimpanzees, they do not murder. Anthropologists are currently researching the theory that humans are actually more closely related to Bonobos.
your hair smells amazing!!!
feel the same way. I look forward to reading the responses. On my way home today I was thinking that I have become the worst version of myself... misanthropic, cynical, semi-isolated. I'm actually not sure what to say to make anyone else happy right now... maybe something like a contrived, inspirational quote or news bit, but I know of none. Something that makes me happy, that makes me smile are my pet rats. They are quite cute & I like feeding them spinach, kale, & healthy food because they seem to enjoy it & that makes me happy. Somehow becoming apart of an anonymous weekly question group mailing list thing has also made me rather happy... I am guaranteed at least two emails a week.
Your sadness is temporary........you will be happy again.
You are a child of God.....you are loved and taken care of......you will not be forgotten or left behind and yes, you are loved.......
Every morning my 4 month daughter wakes on her own, she doesn't cry, she
just talks to herself until we come to get her. When she sees us she smiles
and squeals and laughs with glee. It is always a good day to her.
Go borrow someone's kittens. Watching a litter of kitten, puppies, or just about any baby animal makes my heart smile. Take a "walk" with a three-year old child and rediscover the world.
I do have happy news this week. After months of casting about for either new work for my consulting practice and normal, full-time employment, the dam finally broke last week. I have verbal agreement on a 3 month contract which covers my share of household expenses for a year; I have a job interview for a federal job on Wednesday; I passed the first phase of testing for a county job, and I got a call from a placement firm to interview for a private sector position thru them. I had not had one single nibble in months. MONTHS and MONTHS. No responses. I was in a career black hole.
And in the victory column, the client with whom I will be working is one I worked for last year. One of their senior staff was extremely rude, abrasive, and used me to blame shift her incompetence in highly inappropriate ways. I stood up to her and actually reported her to top of her chain of command (someone who is not easily approachable). I was very specific about how hurtful and inappropriate her behavior was and that I would not work with her again. I figured I probably shot down my chance to ever work for this client again by standing up for myself so vocally. (In consulting, we pretty much eat shit, smile, and thank them for the opportunity to dine.) I was directly sought out for this contract...proof I could risk taking care of myself and speaking my truth!
AND, I should get to take my grandbabies skiing for their first time this weekend (they are 2 and 4). I can't wait to get my baby lovin's!!
I'm sure everyone will say this, but it's probably worth repeating:
"This too shall pass."
My 14-year-old son found an old flute in my music room, asked if he could have it, and is now teaching himself how to play that lovely little instrument. Listening to a young man play the flute is a wonderful thing, and it sure makes me happy to hear.
It's in the darkness that the light is ever more apparent. And remember, this, too, shall pass.
Spring is about to burst forth ... daffodils are already projecting warm weather.
Time to cleanup the golf clubs. Oh Yeah!
I love you, GoDa
The other night, I was walking up the block towards my house, looking at the stars, and I was struck with an overwhelming sense of gratitude... for my life here in San Francisco, for my apartment and the people in my building, for my job and my co-workers, and most of all for the friends I've made since moving here... which very much includes you!
Fluffy kittens frolic in a rainbow land with cotton candy clouds, cherry-blossom gum drop trees and glitter-winged birdies singing Japanese pop songs.
It ALWAYS gets better! And most of the time I see you, you are very happy. AND the sadness is just a door to deeper connection w god. Walk IN and it will dissipate faster.
Love and light
Today is a new day and it can be whatever you wish it to be. Go for a walk in the park. See what inspires you and notice things being present that you wouldnt normally notice. Remember, you belong to the world and it belongs to you. xoxo
"optapus" (octopus), "biper" (diaper), "me do it" (I would like to attempt that myself), "lemmellade" (lemonade), "mohnserz" (monsters), "what da heck?" (this statement gets a rise out of you), "talk bunny" (entertain me by making my bunny into a interactive puppet, NOW)
smiling yet?
Put your self in someone else's shoes, your problem is minute to someone starving with no food and shelter , always look at the positive
I'm finally getting over a cough and nasal congestion that has hung on for FOUR WEEKS! I am so glad to be able to sleep through the night without having to wake my neighbors with my coughing. I am also glad that the tenderness around my nose - from blowing my nose so frequently - is healing! This may not be what makes you happy, but is certainly does the trick for me!
"Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers,
"Grow, grow . . ."
-The Talmud
You're loved more than you know and by more people than you first thought!
"This too shall pass" - Sorry, wish I had something better but it's the most honest hope I have.
the Savior has Returned.for all those interested . .
babies laughs
puppies bouncing as they walk
waking up to kisses in the morning
finishing something challenging
fulfilling food cravings
eating good food
friends & family healthy
your new beau getting along with your friends
thoughtful gestures
random acts of kindnesses
hanging out with good, funny & fun ppl
being silly with friends
seeing my family & friends happy
warm sunshine on my face
I hope that this list will cheer you up a little :)
I bought tickets to Paris to surprise my wife for her 30th birthday!
You're our friend and we love you; I love you. Does that help?
Question of the Week is a cool idea. (And the answers too).
Obama is president.
Maybe during the next hour, minute or even second something good will happen.
I'm piecing myself together more and more every day! was that happy enough? I'm pretty happy about it. just as happy as a little yellow flower.
Well, to be honest, I really feel that if you're feeling sad, it's really best to just go with that feeling and not try to cheer yourself up. People shy away from sadness when it's actually a good emotion to get in touch with.
However, if you insist on happiness - the daffodils are all blooming like crazy around here, the lettuce is coming up, my non-profit group just got it's 501(c)3 status, there is a new administration with a new agenda in the White House, and, to quote Matisse - "There are always flowers for those who wish to see them."
Just look in the mirror and stick your tongue out reeeeeeeallly far. Pretend you are Gene Simmons. That should cheer you up!!
My son who is 2 calls farts, sarts.
This too shall pass.
You are loved, especially by me.
There, that was one funny and 2 happy.
And mine...
Wow. Thank you. I am deeply humbled by the foregoing lovefest. You all pretty much ROCK!
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