the last time I seemed to be in that situation i went to an aa
meeting. that was may 1995. lately it might be a meeting, or kaiser,
or bed, or some internet shenanigans. in lieu of something that seems
either terribly painful, final, or just not fun i could go for one of
my distractions. "dating" for example. or just sitting with whatever
it is for a moment. or calling someone who might be able to help.
Top 3
1) sit my butt at my altar, light a candle, and go within
2) go to a meeting
3) to sleep in my bed
For a run
My parents died young, so my safety net was brutally altered. When you have "nowhere" (read traditional resources) to go to, you learn to stay where you are and develop more internal resources. However, during a horrific period in my life where I experienced health problems and job loss which lead to homelessness for me and my two sons and dog. I turned to an aunt, a sister, friends, and even my former husband for financial assistance. I had friends that took us in for a few months until I got into grad school and got back on more stable footing. I hated it and it made me feel like an orphan. As a friend wisely told me, "You'd be amazed at what you can do when you finally realize you have no choice."
I go to my music studio in the basement of my house. I can stay there for hours and amuse myself.
I go to God! The best place to be when you think you're out of options.
To bed.
Into the garden -predictably- where it always turns out my attention is required. Less so in winter, when I tend to read much more.
Home - wherever that happens to be in that moment.
Nowhere--I just stay home and chillax. Okay, maybe I'll hit the park. But found time is precious and I like to spend it with my partner and our cat.
There is a corner table at the rear of Simple Pleasures Cafe, on Balboa, between 35th & 36th, where I meditate and write. I escape there often. This was written there:
A History of Apple
(from a painting by E. Levina)
Did the First Apple
Stem from a Platonic ideal
Somewhere in the sublime still
Is there a form
The Perfection of Apple
Equation of seed core flesh and skin
From brown leaves black thorns chaos
A Fibonacci derivation
Begins the Second Apple
And how many apples had to fall
From trees in Kazakhstan
Before Apple replaced Fig
As the Fruit of the edenic Tree
Or was it the Grape
Made old Adam Dumb
I always have somewhere to go - a refuge. I take refuge in the 3 jewels.
to bed.
To bed
Depends where I am when I realize I have nowhere else to go. If I am at home, I tend to stay there. If I'm near Church & Market, I go to the Church Street Cafe. And if I have nowhere to go emotionally, I draw or meditate or write to help myself just stay exactly where I am and accept that apparently, this is where I need to be.
When I think there's nowhere else to go it's beacause I stubbornley refuse to give up / back down / let go or change direction; that's not to say I don't have a tantrum before I realize that!!!
I just try and keep in mind life is limitless and it's only in my mind I create the dead ends and restrictions.
To my sister.
The internet
to sleep
Usually an OA meeting or a yoga class. or, less literally, I cry. I go to God. I surrender. Or I don't urrender and I'm really pent up and blowing fire and wondering why. I feel like a scream. usually when I have nowhere to go is when I am feeling pent up inside myself. Realease myself and I belong anywhere.
Answering as per the Material Plane, I once lived out of my car for a few months -- I suppose I could again. Of course that was 28 years ago! The metaphysical answer -- Heaven, man!
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