What does it take?
obviously a Jewish man. a Jewish man says you look wonderful in that dress; good enough to eat. a gentile says, "yes you look fat in that dress; now get out of the way. i'm watching the game!"
Dedicated work until achieved. Everything is walking distance, if you have the time.
Visa or Mastercard
It takes two
Willingness, commitment, some genuine talent/ability (think American Idol), persistence, willingness to take risks. I came across this quote awhile ago that I really like, "Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?"
That's a good question. If I had the answer, perhaps life would be a bit less challenging, wouldn't it?
It takes time, so don't be in such a hurry...
Integrity and focus.
The right frame of mind - go to any lengths
A sense of humor, footwork, trust in the process, and staying away from that first drink!
prayer, willingness, intention, focus, ACTION, gratitude, self acceptance/ self acknowledgment and a spicy splash of angel protection.
Nothing short of everything
patience and time
Discipline and devotion.
Faith and follow-through
Holding the narrative and pushing on.
a complete commitment to allowing oneself to hate better than anyone else; feel the pain for having to hate existentialy. create some kind of wall in which to hide the Larger pain of knowing that people have to hide in hate. then love.
oops . . .
Love, sweat, tears, and understanding
I'm inspired to quote my neighbor John, a 75 year old man who served in the Merchant Marines, drove a taxi and now stays out to 3 am a few times a week dancing with the ladies.
He calls "what it takes" the 3D's...dedication, determination and of course drive. I believe him; it can be applied to career, relationship and spiritual growth.
rigorous honesty and a light touch
I have no idea. I always think it takes working long hours and more money but I think I'm wrong. I think it takes faith, well directed action, grace, passion and humor and well some money probably wouldn't hurt.
Pain. Lots of it.
And then guidance.
Very solid guidance.
And then prayer.
Lots and lots of prayer.
You take a stick of bamboo,
you take a stick of bamboo,
you take a stick of bamboo,
you throw it in the water,
Oh, oh, Hanaah.
A mature(about 50) artist/carpenter coworker of mine said to me one morning, as his old knees and stiff back where ailing him ..."where is my motivation gonna come from today?" I look back at that and almost everyday I get some motivation and inspiration. Sometimes thru other people doing the same thing as me, sometimes doing the opposite of me, sometimes people really wanting me to do something, and other times, no one but myself knows about what I am doing. So, I would say that it takes me showing up and and a little motivation.
Faith. And peanut butter.
Strength, versatility, a sense of humor, refusal to give up and a good friend or two.
courage. the ability to keep going when it seems hopeless. the ability to laugh even during the most difficult moments.
The right ingredients, the right catalyst, and faith.
It takes less vagueness.
It takes a fearless, relentless, commitment to seeing the world as it really is, not as we believe or want it to be.
Determination, and a willingness to make some sacrifices along the way. Or, $1.75 to wash, $1.50 to dry.
it takes about a minute
it takes two to tango
it takes one to know one
it takes a thief to catch a thief
it takes a village (oh, please)
it takes all sorts to make a world
it takes a lifetime to forget someone
it takes a little doing
it takes a little spit and some nose grease
it takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage
it takes on a life of its own
it takes a second to say "I love you" but it takes a lifetime to show it
it takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry
I know it doesn't take credit cards.
And mine...
A couple of double A batteries, patience and about 30-40 minutes.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Question of the Week 7/21/08
First, a reminder:

And now, the question....

Once again, photo courtesy of http://jameth.livejournal.com/
(There were two questions this week. The answers appear below, in the order the questions were asked)
Who has more power in a romantic pursuit: The pursued or the pursuer?
Whoever has the least investment in the process.
THE PURSUED. That assumes the "pursued" has some life experience and can recognize the "pursuer" and deal with the intentions of same.
Pursued. Unless we're talking about some freaky stalker horror movie. Please don't tell me we're talking about that. I don't like horror movies.
In a pair, the person with the least desire for something always has the (most) power.
The pursued. That which is desired holds the power.
the pursued
the perused.
One would think that the 'pursurer'. However I feel that once the pursuee realizes what is going on, the 'pursurer' is a goner.
From a recovering 'pursuer'.
In my opinion (and experience) the pursued has more power. The pursuer is the one to make her- or himself vulnerable by showing interest in the first place, giving the one being pursued veto power over the whole transaction. I realize of course that reality is never that simple but that's the best I can do for now.
entirely depends on gender
the purse
The pursued. We are talking romance, not dysfunction or abuse issues or any other psychodrama, in romance the object of desire has the power
This question has too many other variables and is not an either/or situation. I have a emotional response to this question, but I know it is personal and cannot be given globally.
I have another better question. Where is my umbrella? The answer is that I don't have the faintest idea and it is raining. That is solid.
Whoever feels the best and has the best intentions.
Attraction and love gives one energy, if that energy can be utilized in a productive way, creatively and not in an obsessive way, then it can give one power. No matter what side you are on.
Whoever wants it more
The pursued. The pursued has the power encourage or discourage the pursuer. If the pursuer is a psychopath, that's a pursuit of another dimension.
That all depends on if the Pursued wants to be persured or not. Sometimes the Pursuer becomes a Stalker - not a good thing - when the Pursued doesn't wish to be persued by the Pursuer.
the pursued...they decide if the ending will be happy or not...
Definitely the pursued. Everyone likes to be chased!
Well, it depends on how well the pursuer pursues. There are a kind of people that have developed a familure relationship with attraction itself, and this person can turn a pursuit into a courtship easily by listening and delivering a specialized attention, by anticipating another's needs in such a subtle way so as to convince artfully the person being pursued that it is in the best interest to form neutrality...that the person pursuing is convincing in ideals. Almost always this sort of power has it's limitations, however. Any time a person creates the illusion of exterior needs being fulfilled, be it through means of physical attraction, money, status etc. All of these are temporary and this sort of power is bound to collapse eventually, as the person who grows dependent on the pursuer realizes that the source of fulfillment is not gained with the tax of another's external offers (which always are better in theory and even with good intention lacks the recipe of growth due to the nature of pursuit itself...that is, desire.) The person who is being pursued has the obvious power of choice, a monumental power, that is short lived. As soon as the person being pursued consents, the power is lost. There for, the most powerful of all, is the person who is honest with oneself, who, has the goal to share instead of own.
Depends. Which one am I in this scenario?
Isn't The Pursued chasing in their own way, and The Pursuer sought after?
If two people are coming together in hopes of becoming whole, then they will only be trying to get their own needs met.
When each lover already has their own spark of inspiration there is no power difference between the two. Trust, love, and delight in being together are shared equally.
The pursued!! People totally lose focus when you have something they
think they need
equal distribution...without one the other is irrelevant
And mine...
I always feel like the pursuer has the power. However, now that I think about it, when I have pursued is when it's never really worked out. Huh.
Please list albums/cds that make you happy.
I think you should publish all the answers to the original question even if they are all the same. Especially if they are all the same! I find it more artistic and interesting than a frickin' list of favorite CDs.
...and you should publish this.
The Vandalias' "Mach V". It's one of the few albums I can listen to from beginning to end.
Favorite lyric: "It don't take a B.A. to know the party's over."
Everything by the Beatles makes me smile, guaranteed.
“Little” Michael Jackson tunes
Stone Roses first LP
Vampire Weekend
Bowie – all of it.
Crosby, Stills & Nash 1st album.
Mark Knopfler - Shangri-La
Hard Days Night
Rubber Soul
Sergeant Pepper's...
Grateful Dead
Workingman's Dead
American Beauty
Fishbone – any of the first 3 albums
Pixies – first 3 albums
Beasties Boys – Check Your Head
a superswift totally unthoughtout list of twenty (with only the first one in order):
1. Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison
2. Hüsker Dü’s Zen Arcade
3. Bob Marley’s Rasta Revolution (on the old Trojan record label)
4. Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony
5. Saint-Saens Organ Symphony
6. Gang of Four’s Entertainment
7. The Specials first album
8. Sleater-Kinney’s All Hands on the Bad One (and Dig Me Out)
9. The Byrd’s Sweethearts of the Rodeo
10. The Pogues’ Rum, Sodomy and the Lash
11. Kinks albums from the 60's and early 70's
12. Funkadelic’s One Nation Under a Groove
13. Hole’s Live Through This
14. Any original Velvet Underground album
15. The Clash’s first album
16. The Sex Pistols’ Never Mind the Bollocks
17. John Coltrane’s Meditations
18. Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue
19. Bikini Kill’s Pussy Whipped
20. The Gits' Enter: The Conquering Chicken
and also:
*** A set of mix tapes of greatest hits of the Lovin’ Spoonful, the Box Tops, Beach Boys,
Donovan, The Rascals, Simon & Garfunkel and others popmakers of that period.
Lots is missing.
I like White Stripes right now, Icky Thump and White Stripes, last and first albums. New live stones album, shine a light. combined Swans cd which is Children of God and World of Skin which is wonderfully intense, fucked up and beautiful...
Album/Compact Disk by Public Image Limited.
that's this week. in general, music that makes me happy is a mix of loud guitar rock, punk, ambient, experimental stuff like throbbing gristle, some jazz, and funk or stuff with lovely vocals. I enjoyed seeing Ministry this year and I'm looking fwd to seeing My Bloody Valentine and possibly Primus soon. dance music, electronic, great for listening And dancing...
I would like to add Funkadelic, Maggot Brain to that list for now.
Two Questions in one Week! Which to answer? Both, of course!
I like CDs where I can sing along. So, CDs of SF Choral Society performances (I usually have my part memorized by the time a concert is performed), Barry Manilow, Johnny Mathis, Michael Bolton, Josh Groban, Barbra Streisand, Audra MacDonald, and just about anything Christmas Carol-y.
Anything by Leonard Cohen.
"Come Fly With Me" by Frank Sinatra
"Welcome Interstate Managers" by Fountains of Wayne
"The Best of Dean Martin" (Captitol, 1966) by Dean Martin
Rockferry Duffy
Frank Amy Winehouse
Spirit Leona Lewis
Wicked Original Bway cast
Company Orig. Bway cast
Legally Blonde Orig. Bway cast
Songs of Mass Destruction Annie Lennox
Brooklyn the musical Orig. Bway cast
I have SO Many!!!
Whats an album? I just get songs off of I-tunes....like "simple man" and "mama's don't let your babys grow up to be cowboys".....these types of songs do the trick for me.
Vivaldi's Four Seasons...performed by any full orchestra
Rolling Stones' Hot Rocks
Fleetwood Mac's Rumours
The Best of Bowie
Steely Dan's Aja
Donald Fagen's Nightfly
and alas, true to my homo heart, the soundtrack of "Chicago"
The Clash - London Calling
Rancid - And Out Come the Wolves
Mighty Mighty Bosstones - Don't Know How to Party
Hot Water Music - Never Ender
Bouncing Souls - Anchors Aweigh
AC/DC - Back in Black
Waylon Jennings - Dreamin My Dreams
Grateful Dead - anything, but especially live shows and Without A Net
Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
Greg Brown - Bathtub Blues
YAZ - both albums
Lots more but that's a start!
Absolutely anything at all by Me First and The Gimme Gimmes. Music so bouncy that it suffers no mope within its area of affect.
Paul Simon: Negotiations and Love Songs
Guns n Roses: Appetite for Destruction
Jazz Duets: Louie Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald
Trombone Shorty and Orleans Avenue Live at Jazzfest 2008
Bo Dollis and the Wild Magnolias: "I'm Back, (At Mardi Gras Time)"
Brazz Tree: "Spiral On"
Leonard Bernstien doing Rhapsody in Blue, by Gershwin
George Carlin (RIP): You are all diseased
Bill Cosby's Noah and the Ark
The Violent Femmes (just came across a cassette tape, haha)
Donna Summers, On the Radio
ABBA: The GOlden Hits
There are two Queen albums that I love. One's got a burgundy cover, one's black. Basically it's all the best Queen songs in two perfect CDs. I also used to feel very relaxed after listening to James Blunt's first album... now it just sounds kind of whiny. :(
Julieta Venegas' Unplugged CD
Belanova's Dulce Beat
Miguel Bosé's Papito
I love these albums, they make my day every time
"New York" by Lou Reed
self titled Velvet Underground *The Andy Warhol painting is also
lovely cover art*
"Brown Book" by Death in June
"Music, Martini's and Misanthropy" by Boyd Rice and Friends
"Washing Machine" by Sonic Youth
"Nunsexmonkrock" by Nina Hagen
"Beauty Reaps the Blood of Solitude" by Nature and
Organisation....this one is supposed to be released on CD. When it is,
listen to it, it's one of the best collaborations I have ever heard.
"Back in Black" ACDC
"Pretty Ugly" Lunachicks
"The First 2 Albums on CD" by Bikini Kill
"This Island" by Le Tigre
"The Serpent's Egg" and "Spiritchaser" by Dead Can Dance
"The Black Mass" and "Satan Takes a Holiday" by Anton Szandor LaVey
Thank you, this is a rad concept. I saw a picture of your request in
chalk from Jameth from Livejournal, Flickr, etc.
Surprise Me Mr. Davis
The Slip
The Presidents of the United States of America - II
It is perfect in every way.
Hi there,
I assume I'm going to get spammed by some marketer who's all like "if you like blah blah, then you'll love the new CD by blah blah" but what the hell, maybe you're just looking for some awesome music. Here are some albums that make me happy:
Badly Drawn Boy - The Hour of Bewilderbeast
The Notwist - Neon Golden
Radiohead - Kid A
Lykke Li - Youth Novels
Television - Marquee Moon
Hot Chip - Made In The Dark
King Khan and the Shrines - What Is?!
Fleet Foxes - Sun Giant
Cat Power - The Greatest
my own plug:
Neutral Milk Hotel "In the airplane over the sea"
Kool Keith "Sex Style"
the Wu Tang song "Method Man"
Almost anything by the Liars or Melt Banana.
recent albums:
my morning jacket - live double album
beck - modern guilt
anything by pearl jam
please leave more messages. did you get your answer as to 'how it works'. if not, let me know and i can tell you.
rogue wave - Descended Like Vultures
Saw the sidewalk chalk on the way home yesterday...
So why not really.
The Hush Sound - Like Vines has always made me happy, as it just seems to be filled with a vibrant happy-go-lucky energy. Great album for telling depression to sod off.
Mates of State - Re-arrange Us is my other new obsession, as it's varied enough to keep me interested on Bart, but still wonderful in its execution.
Tilly and the Wall - o is great, if only because they're completely awesome live.
The shins - chutes too narrow
animal collective - strawberry jam
michael jackson - thriller
1) Steel Pulse, True Democracy
2) Stevie Wonder, Definitive Collection
3) Thelonius Monk, Thelonius Monk with John Coltrane
Single Songs:
1) Little Wing, Stevie Ray Vaughn
2) My Cheri Amore, Stevie Wonder
3) Mahna Mahna
4) Trinkle Tinkle, Thelonius Monk
5) Mercy Street, Black Uhuru
6) Banana Phone
"Her Majesty" by The Decemberists
"Fire" by Electric Six
"Glow" by The Innocence Mission
"Funeral" by The Arcade Fire
tori amos, little earthquakes
joni mitchell, court and spark
annie lennox, diva
kings of convenience, riot on an empty street
patty griffin, 1000 kisses
madonna, confessions on a dance floor
john mayer, continuum
leela james
john legend, let's get lifted
jill scott
i think that'll do it....
Avalon, Roxy Music
Ever Changing Moods, Style Council
Everlasting Blink, Bent
haunted, poe.
"hallelujah" Jeff Buckley
"o" Damien Rice
"until the sun turns black" ray lamontagne
"slingshot professionals" Kelly joe Phelps
Though they are all kind of depressing!
LOVE this question! Being a singer/songwriter music in one of the most important things in my life. I feel drawn to answer this question in my own way and list SONGS that make me happy, not CDs. Here they are in all their eclectic glory, in no particular order.
the Creatures: Standing there (so angry, so freeing!)
Siouxsie and the Banshees: Spellbound
Nine Inch Nails: Closer
Red Hot Chili Peppers: Give it away
Loudlife: Let go of the Wheel
Guesch Patti: Etienne
The feeling: Sewn and I love it when you call
Kate Bush: Hounds of Love
Peter Gabriel: Contact
Pick up the pieces - Average White Band
You make me Feel - Sylvester
Jungle Boogie - Kool and the Gang
OK, Now here are some ALBUMS:
Shawn Colvin - Fat city
Fountains of Wayne: Welcome Interstate Managers
Supremes a Go-Go
The Ventures - Knock Me Out
Traffic - John Barelycorn Must Die
Teena Marie - It must be Magic
I can't wait to read what the rest of you QOW-ers write! I hope to discover some cool music! Music is the safest most meaningful way for me to have my feelings. I don't know what I'd do without it.
I also encourage our wonderful Jocelyn to ask what songs/albums move us the most, which make us think the most, what are some and what songs we just don't get!
Most anything involving Brian Wilson/The Beach Boys. "Wild Honey", "Pet Sounds" (of course), "Smile", "Sunflower", and the box set sit up front. After that there are so many -- so I'll give you a few overlooked to kind of overlooked gems: The Kinks, "Are the Village Green Preservation Society" and "Kronikles" (a comp); Love, "Forever Changes"; NRBQ, "Peekaboo' (also a comp), Peter Hosapple and Chris Stamey, "Mavericks"; Dwight Twilley Band, "Sincerely"; and the amazing "Shake Some Action" by the Flamin' Groovies.
Gotta stop somewhere.....
And mine...
Lately, Details by Frou Frou, Best of Booty 2007,

And now, the question....

Once again, photo courtesy of http://jameth.livejournal.com/
(There were two questions this week. The answers appear below, in the order the questions were asked)
Who has more power in a romantic pursuit: The pursued or the pursuer?
Whoever has the least investment in the process.
THE PURSUED. That assumes the "pursued" has some life experience and can recognize the "pursuer" and deal with the intentions of same.
Pursued. Unless we're talking about some freaky stalker horror movie. Please don't tell me we're talking about that. I don't like horror movies.
In a pair, the person with the least desire for something always has the (most) power.
The pursued. That which is desired holds the power.
the pursued
the perused.
One would think that the 'pursurer'. However I feel that once the pursuee realizes what is going on, the 'pursurer' is a goner.
From a recovering 'pursuer'.
In my opinion (and experience) the pursued has more power. The pursuer is the one to make her- or himself vulnerable by showing interest in the first place, giving the one being pursued veto power over the whole transaction. I realize of course that reality is never that simple but that's the best I can do for now.
entirely depends on gender
the purse
The pursued. We are talking romance, not dysfunction or abuse issues or any other psychodrama, in romance the object of desire has the power
This question has too many other variables and is not an either/or situation. I have a emotional response to this question, but I know it is personal and cannot be given globally.
I have another better question. Where is my umbrella? The answer is that I don't have the faintest idea and it is raining. That is solid.
Whoever feels the best and has the best intentions.
Attraction and love gives one energy, if that energy can be utilized in a productive way, creatively and not in an obsessive way, then it can give one power. No matter what side you are on.
Whoever wants it more
The pursued. The pursued has the power encourage or discourage the pursuer. If the pursuer is a psychopath, that's a pursuit of another dimension.
That all depends on if the Pursued wants to be persured or not. Sometimes the Pursuer becomes a Stalker - not a good thing - when the Pursued doesn't wish to be persued by the Pursuer.
the pursued...they decide if the ending will be happy or not...
Definitely the pursued. Everyone likes to be chased!
Well, it depends on how well the pursuer pursues. There are a kind of people that have developed a familure relationship with attraction itself, and this person can turn a pursuit into a courtship easily by listening and delivering a specialized attention, by anticipating another's needs in such a subtle way so as to convince artfully the person being pursued that it is in the best interest to form neutrality...that the person pursuing is convincing in ideals. Almost always this sort of power has it's limitations, however. Any time a person creates the illusion of exterior needs being fulfilled, be it through means of physical attraction, money, status etc. All of these are temporary and this sort of power is bound to collapse eventually, as the person who grows dependent on the pursuer realizes that the source of fulfillment is not gained with the tax of another's external offers (which always are better in theory and even with good intention lacks the recipe of growth due to the nature of pursuit itself...that is, desire.) The person who is being pursued has the obvious power of choice, a monumental power, that is short lived. As soon as the person being pursued consents, the power is lost. There for, the most powerful of all, is the person who is honest with oneself, who, has the goal to share instead of own.
Depends. Which one am I in this scenario?
Isn't The Pursued chasing in their own way, and The Pursuer sought after?
If two people are coming together in hopes of becoming whole, then they will only be trying to get their own needs met.
When each lover already has their own spark of inspiration there is no power difference between the two. Trust, love, and delight in being together are shared equally.
The pursued!! People totally lose focus when you have something they
think they need
equal distribution...without one the other is irrelevant
And mine...
I always feel like the pursuer has the power. However, now that I think about it, when I have pursued is when it's never really worked out. Huh.
Please list albums/cds that make you happy.
I think you should publish all the answers to the original question even if they are all the same. Especially if they are all the same! I find it more artistic and interesting than a frickin' list of favorite CDs.
...and you should publish this.
The Vandalias' "Mach V". It's one of the few albums I can listen to from beginning to end.
Favorite lyric: "It don't take a B.A. to know the party's over."
Everything by the Beatles makes me smile, guaranteed.
“Little” Michael Jackson tunes
Stone Roses first LP
Vampire Weekend
Bowie – all of it.
Crosby, Stills & Nash 1st album.
Mark Knopfler - Shangri-La
Hard Days Night
Rubber Soul
Sergeant Pepper's...
Grateful Dead
Workingman's Dead
American Beauty
Fishbone – any of the first 3 albums
Pixies – first 3 albums
Beasties Boys – Check Your Head
a superswift totally unthoughtout list of twenty (with only the first one in order):
1. Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison
2. Hüsker Dü’s Zen Arcade
3. Bob Marley’s Rasta Revolution (on the old Trojan record label)
4. Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony
5. Saint-Saens Organ Symphony
6. Gang of Four’s Entertainment
7. The Specials first album
8. Sleater-Kinney’s All Hands on the Bad One (and Dig Me Out)
9. The Byrd’s Sweethearts of the Rodeo
10. The Pogues’ Rum, Sodomy and the Lash
11. Kinks albums from the 60's and early 70's
12. Funkadelic’s One Nation Under a Groove
13. Hole’s Live Through This
14. Any original Velvet Underground album
15. The Clash’s first album
16. The Sex Pistols’ Never Mind the Bollocks
17. John Coltrane’s Meditations
18. Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue
19. Bikini Kill’s Pussy Whipped
20. The Gits' Enter: The Conquering Chicken
and also:
*** A set of mix tapes of greatest hits of the Lovin’ Spoonful, the Box Tops, Beach Boys,
Donovan, The Rascals, Simon & Garfunkel and others popmakers of that period.
Lots is missing.
I like White Stripes right now, Icky Thump and White Stripes, last and first albums. New live stones album, shine a light. combined Swans cd which is Children of God and World of Skin which is wonderfully intense, fucked up and beautiful...
Album/Compact Disk by Public Image Limited.
that's this week. in general, music that makes me happy is a mix of loud guitar rock, punk, ambient, experimental stuff like throbbing gristle, some jazz, and funk or stuff with lovely vocals. I enjoyed seeing Ministry this year and I'm looking fwd to seeing My Bloody Valentine and possibly Primus soon. dance music, electronic, great for listening And dancing...
I would like to add Funkadelic, Maggot Brain to that list for now.
Two Questions in one Week! Which to answer? Both, of course!
I like CDs where I can sing along. So, CDs of SF Choral Society performances (I usually have my part memorized by the time a concert is performed), Barry Manilow, Johnny Mathis, Michael Bolton, Josh Groban, Barbra Streisand, Audra MacDonald, and just about anything Christmas Carol-y.
Anything by Leonard Cohen.
"Come Fly With Me" by Frank Sinatra
"Welcome Interstate Managers" by Fountains of Wayne
"The Best of Dean Martin" (Captitol, 1966) by Dean Martin
Rockferry Duffy
Frank Amy Winehouse
Spirit Leona Lewis
Wicked Original Bway cast
Company Orig. Bway cast
Legally Blonde Orig. Bway cast
Songs of Mass Destruction Annie Lennox
Brooklyn the musical Orig. Bway cast
I have SO Many!!!
Whats an album? I just get songs off of I-tunes....like "simple man" and "mama's don't let your babys grow up to be cowboys".....these types of songs do the trick for me.
Vivaldi's Four Seasons...performed by any full orchestra
Rolling Stones' Hot Rocks
Fleetwood Mac's Rumours
The Best of Bowie
Steely Dan's Aja
Donald Fagen's Nightfly
and alas, true to my homo heart, the soundtrack of "Chicago"
The Clash - London Calling
Rancid - And Out Come the Wolves
Mighty Mighty Bosstones - Don't Know How to Party
Hot Water Music - Never Ender
Bouncing Souls - Anchors Aweigh
AC/DC - Back in Black
Waylon Jennings - Dreamin My Dreams
Grateful Dead - anything, but especially live shows and Without A Net
Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
Greg Brown - Bathtub Blues
YAZ - both albums
Lots more but that's a start!
Absolutely anything at all by Me First and The Gimme Gimmes. Music so bouncy that it suffers no mope within its area of affect.
Paul Simon: Negotiations and Love Songs
Guns n Roses: Appetite for Destruction
Jazz Duets: Louie Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald
Trombone Shorty and Orleans Avenue Live at Jazzfest 2008
Bo Dollis and the Wild Magnolias: "I'm Back, (At Mardi Gras Time)"
Brazz Tree: "Spiral On"
Leonard Bernstien doing Rhapsody in Blue, by Gershwin
George Carlin (RIP): You are all diseased
Bill Cosby's Noah and the Ark
The Violent Femmes (just came across a cassette tape, haha)
Donna Summers, On the Radio
ABBA: The GOlden Hits
There are two Queen albums that I love. One's got a burgundy cover, one's black. Basically it's all the best Queen songs in two perfect CDs. I also used to feel very relaxed after listening to James Blunt's first album... now it just sounds kind of whiny. :(
Julieta Venegas' Unplugged CD
Belanova's Dulce Beat
Miguel Bosé's Papito
I love these albums, they make my day every time
"New York" by Lou Reed
self titled Velvet Underground *The Andy Warhol painting is also
lovely cover art*
"Brown Book" by Death in June
"Music, Martini's and Misanthropy" by Boyd Rice and Friends
"Washing Machine" by Sonic Youth
"Nunsexmonkrock" by Nina Hagen
"Beauty Reaps the Blood of Solitude" by Nature and
Organisation....this one is supposed to be released on CD. When it is,
listen to it, it's one of the best collaborations I have ever heard.
"Back in Black" ACDC
"Pretty Ugly" Lunachicks
"The First 2 Albums on CD" by Bikini Kill
"This Island" by Le Tigre
"The Serpent's Egg" and "Spiritchaser" by Dead Can Dance
"The Black Mass" and "Satan Takes a Holiday" by Anton Szandor LaVey
Thank you, this is a rad concept. I saw a picture of your request in
chalk from Jameth from Livejournal, Flickr, etc.
Surprise Me Mr. Davis
The Slip
The Presidents of the United States of America - II
It is perfect in every way.
Hi there,
I assume I'm going to get spammed by some marketer who's all like "if you like blah blah, then you'll love the new CD by blah blah" but what the hell, maybe you're just looking for some awesome music. Here are some albums that make me happy:
Badly Drawn Boy - The Hour of Bewilderbeast
The Notwist - Neon Golden
Radiohead - Kid A
Lykke Li - Youth Novels
Television - Marquee Moon
Hot Chip - Made In The Dark
King Khan and the Shrines - What Is?!
Fleet Foxes - Sun Giant
Cat Power - The Greatest
my own plug:
Neutral Milk Hotel "In the airplane over the sea"
Kool Keith "Sex Style"
the Wu Tang song "Method Man"
Almost anything by the Liars or Melt Banana.
recent albums:
my morning jacket - live double album
beck - modern guilt
anything by pearl jam
please leave more messages. did you get your answer as to 'how it works'. if not, let me know and i can tell you.
rogue wave - Descended Like Vultures
Saw the sidewalk chalk on the way home yesterday...
So why not really.
The Hush Sound - Like Vines has always made me happy, as it just seems to be filled with a vibrant happy-go-lucky energy. Great album for telling depression to sod off.
Mates of State - Re-arrange Us is my other new obsession, as it's varied enough to keep me interested on Bart, but still wonderful in its execution.
Tilly and the Wall - o is great, if only because they're completely awesome live.
The shins - chutes too narrow
animal collective - strawberry jam
michael jackson - thriller
1) Steel Pulse, True Democracy
2) Stevie Wonder, Definitive Collection
3) Thelonius Monk, Thelonius Monk with John Coltrane
Single Songs:
1) Little Wing, Stevie Ray Vaughn
2) My Cheri Amore, Stevie Wonder
3) Mahna Mahna
4) Trinkle Tinkle, Thelonius Monk
5) Mercy Street, Black Uhuru
6) Banana Phone
"Her Majesty" by The Decemberists
"Fire" by Electric Six
"Glow" by The Innocence Mission
"Funeral" by The Arcade Fire
tori amos, little earthquakes
joni mitchell, court and spark
annie lennox, diva
kings of convenience, riot on an empty street
patty griffin, 1000 kisses
madonna, confessions on a dance floor
john mayer, continuum
leela james
john legend, let's get lifted
jill scott
i think that'll do it....
Avalon, Roxy Music
Ever Changing Moods, Style Council
Everlasting Blink, Bent
haunted, poe.
"hallelujah" Jeff Buckley
"o" Damien Rice
"until the sun turns black" ray lamontagne
"slingshot professionals" Kelly joe Phelps
Though they are all kind of depressing!
LOVE this question! Being a singer/songwriter music in one of the most important things in my life. I feel drawn to answer this question in my own way and list SONGS that make me happy, not CDs. Here they are in all their eclectic glory, in no particular order.
the Creatures: Standing there (so angry, so freeing!)
Siouxsie and the Banshees: Spellbound
Nine Inch Nails: Closer
Red Hot Chili Peppers: Give it away
Loudlife: Let go of the Wheel
Guesch Patti: Etienne
The feeling: Sewn and I love it when you call
Kate Bush: Hounds of Love
Peter Gabriel: Contact
Pick up the pieces - Average White Band
You make me Feel - Sylvester
Jungle Boogie - Kool and the Gang
OK, Now here are some ALBUMS:
Shawn Colvin - Fat city
Fountains of Wayne: Welcome Interstate Managers
Supremes a Go-Go
The Ventures - Knock Me Out
Traffic - John Barelycorn Must Die
Teena Marie - It must be Magic
I can't wait to read what the rest of you QOW-ers write! I hope to discover some cool music! Music is the safest most meaningful way for me to have my feelings. I don't know what I'd do without it.
I also encourage our wonderful Jocelyn to ask what songs/albums move us the most, which make us think the most, what are some and what songs we just don't get!
Most anything involving Brian Wilson/The Beach Boys. "Wild Honey", "Pet Sounds" (of course), "Smile", "Sunflower", and the box set sit up front. After that there are so many -- so I'll give you a few overlooked to kind of overlooked gems: The Kinks, "Are the Village Green Preservation Society" and "Kronikles" (a comp); Love, "Forever Changes"; NRBQ, "Peekaboo' (also a comp), Peter Hosapple and Chris Stamey, "Mavericks"; Dwight Twilley Band, "Sincerely"; and the amazing "Shake Some Action" by the Flamin' Groovies.
Gotta stop somewhere.....
The Fratellis-Costello Music
Styx-Greatest Hits
Queen-Every Album
Vertical Horizon-Everything You Want
And mine...
Lately, Details by Frou Frou, Best of Booty 2007,
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
What do you appreciate about yourself? 7/14/08

The virus is spreading! This photo is courtesy of http://jameth.livejournal.com/
I appreciate the fact that I can time travel and space travel. I appreciate the fact that some days I can turn a corner and see only triangles on the next avenue. I appreciate the dead people who talk to me (not all the time, and only in short phrases after asking a lot). I appreciate the fact that I know the distance between a woman and a man and how to speak in both of their languages. I appreciate the vision of the sky above at night which lets me know how infinitesimal I really am, but how every fluctuation in me is of matter.
How endlessly entertaining I am to myself. I think I am intellectually deep, spiritually evolved (all the way to advanced atheism), politically astute, and I play really really hard and really really well.
I keep myself good company, I'm a good friend to myslef.
That I can lead a support group whose members would once have made me uncomfortable and/or contemptuous. Judge not that ye be judged is an appropriate line here.
That I can go out under pressure and make my instrument sound like I want it to sound, consistently. This was certainly not a gift that was handed to me; I sweat blood to make it happen. In my forties, I was going out to jam sessions three or four times a week, testing my ability to do this. It was like playing three mini-concerts each week.
Last--that I go out into the streets dressed as the opposite gender, and I'm ready to handle whatever might come my way. Most people here respect this choice; it's not as bad as you might think it could be. But I expect to be treated well, too.
I don't hold grudges, and as a result I don't have any enemies. There may be folks who don't like me, but I can honestly say I don't dislike (or hate) anyone enough to call them an enemy.
sense of humor, courageous exploration, good eye-hand coordination
I may not always succeed, but at least I try to be nice to people, understanding and tolerant of our differences, and do my best at assigned tasks - at home (I assign myself tasks since I live alone), at work, etc. I no long strive to be a people pleaser, but I do understand the importance of being courteous and try to embody that as much as possible.
I am good listener and i'm genuinely interested in what others have to say. I appreciate the quality of engaging others out heartfelt curiousity.
I appreciate the high regard I have for pampering myself. Routine facials, massages, vacations, bubble baths and pedicures are imperative as a component to my self care.
my humor
I appreciate my compassion towards others and ability to truly listen.
And don't get me started on my humility!!!!!!!!! :)
Tenacity, devotion, discipline, sense of humor, passion for life, natural connection to kitties, my semi-newfound ability to rest in the gap without doing something life-ruining to get over the uncomfortableness of it, my ability to constantly evolve.
This is all very exciting since the answer used to be, "Nothing. I suck."
I appreciate that I love to get excited!!!
The frightened little boy, the angry young man, and the brave warrior, and the wise sage.
that i have a sense of humor deep down inside
My 'caring' nature.
I appreciate that I allow change to happen-within and without. It ain't always easy. I appreciate that I allow myself imperfection. Definately not easy. I appreciate that I am trying not to be afraid.
No matter how sorry for myself I might feel, I never lose my ability to laugh at myself. There are times when that truly saves my butt.
"I'm smart, I'm pretty, and I can't be beat!" - Muhammed Ali
My energy, especially the positivity.
my sense of humor, my body and health, and my talents
That again and again I keep turning toward life, and leaning into it.
my ability to grow and learn. My search for intimacy and freedom.
My ability to work in hostile situations.
My natural tendency is to be moderate and well-rounded. I mix it up. I don't generally go overboard with any one thing, so I don't have problems with addiction, for example. I am able to just accept stuff, and very little shocks me. When people are just using me I can usually tell. What else. . . why is this such a hard question to answer? My lips.
my ability to change things even when it's scary. always trusting in myself to make the right decisions (even if they don't always feel that way..)
My red hair.
...my ability to think through complex situations quicker than most can.
And that I know the difference between "your" and "you're".
I appreciate the fact that I can think of something big and life changing I would like to be doing in a year or more, and one day when I am doing that very thing I realize "Holy shit, I wanted to be doing exactly this X years ago. Wow." It's happened multiple times, and it's always a rewarding feeling because I know I got there not through focusing on that idea but simply by doing something I love. Usually I forget I even wanted to do something until it happens.
I appreciate the fact that I've kept going, despite an ugly habit of kicking myself down. I appreciate the fact that I've learned the habit is not me, and now that I've finished many years of dialogue with this creature, we're finally parting ways. I appreciate that I've made the decision, time and time again, to do something good for the world, even though it often feels like that is not what people want. I appreciate my ability to see beneath the surface, and realize that the world is better and strong than it might seem.
I make myself laugh.
And mine...
My ass.
Monday, July 7, 2008
What excites you? 7/6/08

sleep. really good sex. libras with some scorpio in them or vice
versa. flourless chocolate cake. gluten free anything. cycling.
running long distances. long hair. writing novels, painting, showing
my work, caffeine, success, learning stuff, talking to straight guys
over 30. not dating. tattoos. skateboards. etc.
and lavalamps!
planning a vacation. doing the vacation research. planning the flight, hotel,
accommodations, transportation....and of course the places I / we will eat....researching the restaurants, the museums (if applicable), the sights,
and the places the locals go.
and I love playing "travel agent" for myself by booking my own flights. Yes......Getting outta dodge and going on VACATION turns me on.
Oh so many things!
Hee hee hee....
I dare not say as to not offend the sensibilities of the readers.
ugh. I am tired of being too excited.
Ok, seriously...yoga excites me!
1)Getting slowly toward the future that I have been planning and wishing for for so long. (exciting and SCARY!!!)
2)Barackobamamania (are YOU ready for change?)
3)Getting new dresses
4)Still and always watching my sister in the throws of an awesome violin solo. Whew! Still gives me chills!!! I get to this place where I almost want to cry and yet I'm on the edge of my seat!
5) When I get to where I parked my bike and she's still there! (got the last one stolen, still a little raw)
hearing truth to power being spoken.
my kids, my girl, the ocean, opportunity, fear
when i make a new friend, or when i know i'm going to travel to a beautiful place or see some old friends that i haven't seen in a while.
1977 Punk Rock
Rafting Class IV rapids. Frightening and exhilarating.
-the 3 jewels!
-my insane, debilitating, years-long depression? kicking it to the curb by giving up sugar!
-the new battlestar frakkin' galactica!
-knowing that even when i'm stressed/pissed/sad/freaking out that suffering is *optional*
-doing the online web work that i do
Lately, knitting, news of my niece and her partner getting married (next week on the top of Twin Peaks), expecting a new grand-nephew (late August), and attening my 45th high school reunion (can't wait to see which guys still have hair and which gals still have waists)!
Finding out that I inherited some money...when I need it the most.
Women's pro football here in Seattle, the undefeated Seattle Majestics.
In a less-fulfilling way, fantasy, flirting and intrigue. In a more fulfilling way, being near Amma, some art (esp. Indian calendar/diety art!), the idea that maybe, just maybe, Amma wants amazing and wonderful things for me, if only I could step the fuck out of the way.
MB; a great golf shot; Major PGA golf tournaments; NFL football (Carolina Panthers); Super Bowl; Cooking something special/new; A nice looking lady; Winston and Wooster; a well-groomed garden; good music; computers; a real wood fire in my oversized fireplace; fireworks; my XKE and my XKR; fishing; and more!
A good piece of cheesecake... let's face it, a bad piece excites me too!!!!
I went through a break up last week. Normally I would walk around embracing my abandonment and spare time with bouts of self pity and slight tendency toward self destructive actions in the heart of rock n roll. So naturally, The first day single I did. Unfortunately for me I found that strip clubs after gigs and my ol' Irish band mates had lost their eclipsing charm...suddenly before my eyes borrowing the dreary seat of midlife crises surrounded around a sea of paid naked birds clacking around in plastic platforms, was (gasp) disco. and it says in the book of rock n roll, "thou shalt not practice disco for nothing good may cometh of it." Now where was I to find my excitement? My cheap thrills and temporary kicks? Had I out grown my vague tendency toward self destruction? Indeed, friends, I had. So a new day of sorrow sulking and sympathy fishing was born. But then (as life is notoriously funny) a gift of advice came to my pocket in the form of a list. An old salty sea dog (a bay fisherman and part time bar patron) came in to my bar and listened to my woes. Ladies, listen up. His unusual advice was music to my deprived ears. After incredible attention, he reached in to his pocket and pulled out a pen and paper, and on this he wrote:
Too Due List:
1. sky dive
2. go kayaking
3. gourmet cooking/ learn to prepare sushi
4. learn a language
5. go ice skating
6. redecorate your apt.
7. plant a garden or buy a plant
8. ride a moped around the city
9. ride a bike through out the park
10. get a massage
11. travel to an exotic country
12. read a trashy book in the park
13. paint
14. go salsa dancing
15. see a documentary
16. go to a cafe and order dessert and espresso
17. write
18. learn an instrument
19. audition for a play or a commercial
20. see a play or the opera
21. go to a festival and dance in public
22. go sailing
23. go to see frida exhibit
24. Dress classy but also sexy and sophisticated every single day.
After reading this list, (he said sky diving puts it all into perspective better then months of therapy) I was had. I try and do one thing on the list each day (He said I wasn't aloud to think about the guy who broke up with me for at least one week in order to have a clearer perspective). He said that to hell with rock n roll, start living, girl. Life is short.
In this week I have dressed well every day, I have done some thing incredibly exciting. I have been sober and healthy, and I have fallen in love with life again. I carry the too due list with me in my wallet to remind myself that I can make myself happy. And with this confidence, all kinds of different men from every walk of life are asking me out, I have had awesome conversations with people, and I feel independent and free.
A healthy mammogram.
1. Penguins getting eaten by seals. What can I say, I don't like penguins.
2. Motorcycle rides on curvy roads or straight over 120 MPH with someone riding bitch holding me.
3. Rollercoasters multiple times in a row.
4. Watching the sunset on the beach on a warm night, campfire and food, clam bake, lobster boil, and holding someone in my arms and barely speaking.
5. Learning to stroke and trying to connect to someones energy.
6. Holding someone at the peek before cresting as long as possible while having sex.
7. Finding a solution to the problem no one else can solve in math or science.
8. Trying to figure out a solution to where all the Dark Matter is, that is locking gravitational rotation speeds in spiral galaxies.
8. Sex in public or forbidden places.
9. Hacking into .gov database systems just to look around.
10. Forwarding someones mail I hate to Alaska.
11. Peeking simultaneously.
12. Making food a sexual experience. Gormet food. Real foody place, or something simpler i.e. A whole Lobster cracked open and letting the drawn butter drip down the side of your mouth while someone catches it with their lobster and eats it.
13. Getting into a bar fight.
14. Skydiving.
15. Target practice at a firing range.
16. Being not in control.
17. Someone that can beat me in Poker or Pool.
18. The Opera.
19. Watching someone sexy walk by, them smiling, and then watching the winks of their ass after they pass me, and fade into the distance.
20. Writing something I find worthy afterwards while reading it.
21. Doing stand-up.
22. Performing at a poetry slam.
23. The smile of someone who loves me.
24. Watching a graet movie like Brazil, The Host, Blade Runner, Tampopo, Baraka, The Usual Suspects, Enemy at the Gates, The Illusionist, Fight Club, etc...
25. Deep sea fishing.
And the list goes on...
You! People. Sunlight. Not a lot. Forgetting my head. Seeing an old relative. Or an old friend. Reconnecting. Going on a trip. Communication. Eyes. Connecting with a book. Feeling a part of a character or THE SAME as a character. Relaxing and noticing I don't have to do life and that EVERYTHING is ecstasy. And then CRASH! Excitement for me comes in inspired bursts and I don't know well enough how to muster it on my own..! I guess I could pretend I am traveling, or another character.
Slipping a wrench off something I am trying to loosen. I almost get anry.
Riding too fast in the city on two wheeled contraptions. I almost get humbled.
My work, realizing I can change the way I think, travel.....
Sweet or salty food, sexual communication, great rock and roll.
And mine...
When a man to whom I am attracted puts his hands in my hair, bicycling, steak, sex, making a connection with a new client, talking about how to sell more effectively and showing others how to do it, newness.
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