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I appreciate the fact that I can time travel and space travel. I appreciate the fact that some days I can turn a corner and see only triangles on the next avenue. I appreciate the dead people who talk to me (not all the time, and only in short phrases after asking a lot). I appreciate the fact that I know the distance between a woman and a man and how to speak in both of their languages. I appreciate the vision of the sky above at night which lets me know how infinitesimal I really am, but how every fluctuation in me is of matter.
How endlessly entertaining I am to myself. I think I am intellectually deep, spiritually evolved (all the way to advanced atheism), politically astute, and I play really really hard and really really well.
I keep myself good company, I'm a good friend to myslef.
That I can lead a support group whose members would once have made me uncomfortable and/or contemptuous. Judge not that ye be judged is an appropriate line here.
That I can go out under pressure and make my instrument sound like I want it to sound, consistently. This was certainly not a gift that was handed to me; I sweat blood to make it happen. In my forties, I was going out to jam sessions three or four times a week, testing my ability to do this. It was like playing three mini-concerts each week.
Last--that I go out into the streets dressed as the opposite gender, and I'm ready to handle whatever might come my way. Most people here respect this choice; it's not as bad as you might think it could be. But I expect to be treated well, too.
I don't hold grudges, and as a result I don't have any enemies. There may be folks who don't like me, but I can honestly say I don't dislike (or hate) anyone enough to call them an enemy.
sense of humor, courageous exploration, good eye-hand coordination
I may not always succeed, but at least I try to be nice to people, understanding and tolerant of our differences, and do my best at assigned tasks - at home (I assign myself tasks since I live alone), at work, etc. I no long strive to be a people pleaser, but I do understand the importance of being courteous and try to embody that as much as possible.
I am good listener and i'm genuinely interested in what others have to say. I appreciate the quality of engaging others out heartfelt curiousity.
I appreciate the high regard I have for pampering myself. Routine facials, massages, vacations, bubble baths and pedicures are imperative as a component to my self care.
my humor
I appreciate my compassion towards others and ability to truly listen.
And don't get me started on my humility!!!!!!!!! :)
Tenacity, devotion, discipline, sense of humor, passion for life, natural connection to kitties, my semi-newfound ability to rest in the gap without doing something life-ruining to get over the uncomfortableness of it, my ability to constantly evolve.
This is all very exciting since the answer used to be, "Nothing. I suck."
I appreciate that I love to get excited!!!
The frightened little boy, the angry young man, and the brave warrior, and the wise sage.
that i have a sense of humor deep down inside
My 'caring' nature.
I appreciate that I allow change to happen-within and without. It ain't always easy. I appreciate that I allow myself imperfection. Definately not easy. I appreciate that I am trying not to be afraid.
No matter how sorry for myself I might feel, I never lose my ability to laugh at myself. There are times when that truly saves my butt.
"I'm smart, I'm pretty, and I can't be beat!" - Muhammed Ali
My energy, especially the positivity.
my sense of humor, my body and health, and my talents
That again and again I keep turning toward life, and leaning into it.
my ability to grow and learn. My search for intimacy and freedom.
My ability to work in hostile situations.
My natural tendency is to be moderate and well-rounded. I mix it up. I don't generally go overboard with any one thing, so I don't have problems with addiction, for example. I am able to just accept stuff, and very little shocks me. When people are just using me I can usually tell. What else. . . why is this such a hard question to answer? My lips.
my ability to change things even when it's scary. always trusting in myself to make the right decisions (even if they don't always feel that way..)
My red hair.
...my ability to think through complex situations quicker than most can.
And that I know the difference between "your" and "you're".
I appreciate the fact that I can think of something big and life changing I would like to be doing in a year or more, and one day when I am doing that very thing I realize "Holy shit, I wanted to be doing exactly this X years ago. Wow." It's happened multiple times, and it's always a rewarding feeling because I know I got there not through focusing on that idea but simply by doing something I love. Usually I forget I even wanted to do something until it happens.
I appreciate the fact that I've kept going, despite an ugly habit of kicking myself down. I appreciate the fact that I've learned the habit is not me, and now that I've finished many years of dialogue with this creature, we're finally parting ways. I appreciate that I've made the decision, time and time again, to do something good for the world, even though it often feels like that is not what people want. I appreciate my ability to see beneath the surface, and realize that the world is better and strong than it might seem.
I make myself laugh.
And mine...
My ass.
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