Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What if you were a different gender?

Suffice to say I wouldn't care about my reputation.


I am.


Then I would be the kind of man that treated women like his mama taught him, under a single parent house hold in old new york poverty. I would join the navy too young, and get into loads of trouble, having great stories of fool's errands. I would be the kind of man that was a little old fashioned in mannerisms, in love with old music and the kind that would serenade a person under the window at least once. I would be tasteful, well spoken, would consider my words carefully, I would be a lover of women. I would be true but I would also have many loves in one life time. I would be so devoted to women that I would devote time painting the woman form. Or photographing, or just making love to one good woman all the time. I would have good friends from all walks of life. I would finely meet a woman that I would want to grow old with, not out of attraction although that is there too immensely in the beginning, but a woman that had the right heart, and I would make sacrifices for structure and support...and meet the woman in the middle, growing together sharing dreams and tragedies while building at first a home of two. (But because I am a man, it would be far more simple.) I would go through an arrogant youth. I would be infatuated with great thinkers and carry myself with dignity. I would also make tons of mistakes, hurt feelings at times, once or twice make my identity based on my profession, lose my temper, but I would never result to violence. I would be a man with a great sense of humor, and because of this ability to laugh on the side of error, I would have a great life. I would also be handy and take simple joys and pleasures out of every day activities that involved fixing problems. The best man I would be in my entire life time would be the man I would be in old age...from my arrogant world traveling rascallion youth to my romance period, to my maturity and dignity as a husband, father and grandpa, to my death in my suit, I would be the kind of man that had an open mind, but also I would not live so abundantly in my emotions, as I do so much as a woman. I would respect women for their incredible compassion. But I think as a man, I would find myself a provider. I would grow into old age and be the best as an old man, retired and fixing things for my family, taking great joy out of projects and old music, be appalled by my one time beloved NY city, or travel but be happy to be content in my garage and around the long dinner table full of hardy nostalgia, die a slow but not too slow death full of good byes and last meetings at monumental events, looking back at having sacrificed an adventurous life some where with in the confused middle life of falling in love after solitude and the open seas..for simplicity and patience, kindness providing for generation. If I were a man, I would be my grandfather.


I would have a difficult time finding clothes!


two things that I havent experienced in this lifetime..........child birth (due to lack of uterus and female reproductive system) and bisexuality.........I'm hardwired for men and just can't go there with a woman. But I believe I've experienced all of those things in other lifetimes so I'm OK with skipping the baby thing this time around. I've made peace with my "psychic" womb and transgendered body, so I identify as a "third gender" person.


I'd have my tubes tied ASAP!


I'd have to fly to Denmark and get the operation.


I’m glad I’m female. If I were male, I don’t think I’d like the pressure of not crying, because I cry all the time, over anything…happiness, sadness, cute kids, old ladies, that curiously touching yet manipulative commercial, etc. If I were a guy, I’d have to edit a lot.


I often thought I was a gay man in my past life anyhow...


As a homo, I already do gender differently by breaking the gender law that says men are supposed to be with women, blah blah blah. But I LOVE being a gender outlaw. I also love being a guy so my initial reaction is that I'd be sad not to be one.

That said, if I was female, I'd like to be like Joan Jett -- tough as nails, as femmy as I want to be, and unapologetic about all of it.


i'd make a lot more money for doing the same job.


I have a 29 yr. old son who is me in the opposite gender. Doors to amazing opportunities readily open for him. He's made and lost a couple of million this year alone. Because he has so little initial resistance, he often fails to fully appreciate situations. He relies more on charm than ability. His smile wins people over, but the lack of substance has ends up kicking his ass later. I can see my struggles helped me develop personally and professionally. I see how the ease of being a tall, handsome, white man with a great smile and winning personality lubricates life in so many ways...but it does not provide much additional cushion when things fall apart. So...I can see how being a man makes things easier AND harder. I think if I'd been born a man, I'd be a Class A Obnoxious Prick. Being a woman has tempered my inflated sense of worth, so maybe it made me a better person.


I wouldn’t be able to be on the Derby, which would SUCK!


If there were a third choice, I might consider it.


The Marina would become a very, very scary place.


That would not be good - way to much T


I'd probably take much better care of myself.


I'd probably play with my new genitals all day until I got bored with them, then go clothes shopping.


I would do dream yoga sleeping on my left side instead of my right.


I couldn't pass this one up!!

If I were a different gender I would undoubtedly be a lesbian since I adore women so much!!!


I honestly think that life would be easier. Bigger guys dont stick out as much as girls, plus i could piss standing up and not worry about making a mess of myself!


I'm sure I was - in a different lifetime. My parents probably expected me to be born male. I am my paternal grandfather's first female descendent. He had 7 sons and 6 grandsons when I arrived. My birth was celebrated by many - finally, a GIRL!!!!!!


I am.


you wouldn't be. use 'hope' as an example. i aske her if she was a man or a woman. she said 'i don't know' for him.


Hopefully, I would be able to feel a living thing growing inside my stomach, or at least I would be sitting down when I pee and whole lot of other differences in biological makeups. On a psychological plane, I would probably communicate more and more often. Perhaps, feel things more. I am sure there are more things that I would experience, but sort of glad I am a guy.


I could pee standing


As a drag performer, I walk that line quite frequently. My personality would be the same, I'm just a bit meaner! A diva in every sense of the word!


well, i know i wouldn't wear heels. i think my problem with codependency would be worse because i would relate even more with my mother in a way i might not have been able to resolve. and i would have a lot of fun with hair and clothes, because i already do, but there would be the possibility of more. i was just at rei the other day and all the fun hiking shoes with cool colors along the sides were women's. i heard myself saying, women get all the good stuff, when are guys going to be less boring??


I wouldn't be going through menopause.


It wouldn't surprise me. I have thought of myself as a gay man trapped in a woman's body for many years.


Well, several responses come to mind. . .
1) I am a different gender.
2) Per last QOTW, I don't think it would make me any sexier.
3) When I was very young I had a yearning to be a little girl sometimes, I'm not sure why and
it was not a feeling that endured past the point when I discovered the experience of being
with little girls.
4) Many of the women my age seem just as frustrated, bitter, sometimes angry, sometimes hopeless,
stuck in their ways and unwilling to trust anymore as I frequently am so I don't really see how it
would make much of a difference at this point in my life.
5) Finally, in the zen way, every being possesses the yin and the yang. It is integral to our make-up and
fundamental in the navigation of the environment we exist in, whatever that may be.


If i were female, I would have the most amazing shoe collection ever.


I would have been a bad girl.


And mine...

I feel somewhat in touch with masculine energy within myself, and consequently don't think I'd be dramatically different in temperament. I would make the most of having straight hips. I would wear very cool shoes. On alternate Thursdays, I'd dress like Shaft.

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