Sunday, December 7, 2008

What makes someone credible? (11/23/08)





honesty - within themselves.


A history of truth-telling and body language.


Someone is credible when their words match their actions. In professional life, education, experience, and training are also important elements to credibility. I wanna know you've walked the walk. Credibility is bolstered by healthy curiosity, asking for clarification, and not simply pontificating. Time in the saddle helps, too. Anyone can be an "instant expert" thanks to the internet. So...time, consistency, and demonstrable knowledge are all important aspects of credibility.


Look at them in the eyes.


Honesty. And kindness.


Excellent common sense
Good intention
Big picture thinker
A good mind


NO lies and a big heart


Integrity of character.


What makes someone credible? ... their actions ... what they do and how they do it ... and the consistency with which those actions occur. Credibility comes with time intermixed with continuous displays of consistent actions ... that creates trustworthiness. If all these are consistent with ones intentions ... that person is credible to you.


a firm handshake and eye contact.


by the actions they demonstrate. one has credibility by demonstrating their word. show me, don't tell me is my philosophy.......and i'll strive to do the same.


Bright red lipstick, a happy-happy right-wing attitude, and $150,000 duds from Nemian Marcus and Saks.

Oh wait, that only made the Sarah Palin phenonemen all the more incredible. It didn't add one iota to her credibility.

How about this: humility.


True transparency. S/he who has nothing to hide hides nothing.


Follow-through. I go by what a person does, not by what they say


To gain credibility one must be consistently trust worthy (to trust is to follow through on one's word, to be honest and live life with a sense of integrity which requires an awareness of self and as a result the awareness of actions effecting the relation to others in society.) and secondly, a person has credibility with me if the person is an expert in the Field of a subject. Usually a person with this credibility has the following characteristics which earns my respect: he/she is completely devoted almost like a purists to his/her Field of study/subject/interest. All other interests are a distant second. The person remains teachable with in his/her Field, always open to new information. ex. Like a music writer/critic. who's whole life is devoted to the cultivation of music in every genre, every Field, and the writer's life from the moment the writer was mature enough to understand music had been devoted to the subject of sound and what makes sound produce harmony. He knows every name, every movement, every historical detail both insignificant and profound, he is constantly moving with the times always teachable and open to the flow of sound and it's producers, instruments, vessels and creators, the writer has music down to a science and as a scientist never fully draws a conclusion but offers up evidence for the reader to consider while they make their own hypothesis. if some thing is classic it becomes law to him, he uses his doubt to learn and trace his research objectively and artistically until his piece is molded into gold from hard trial and error and also from sourcing crucial yet vast amounts of information ( following keenly the subject with the air of a person who's reputation and career dependent upon it) for the evidence to his artful conclusion. The most crucial component to the writer's career is his credibility.
Credibility can be fluid. One can be credited with being uncreditable. Every person who's lived long enough to have ownership over baggagge has credibility in some thing. How does your society trust you? What does your society trust you with? What does your people believe about you the way they have faith that the sun will rise again tomorrow?


The past is always a good indicator of the future.


1. Looking like they care about their appearance.
2. Acting with confidence -- steady eye contact, easy smile, firm handshake.

These things are superficial, but I think they contribute more to credibility than anything of substance, at least with initial impressions.


When a person is telling you something that you don't want to hear, it's probably true; it means they're not just another bullshitter feeding you the candy everyone supposedly wants. On the other hand, if someone is raising their voice and passionately lecturing on something, I often imagine that their words are true, but mostly for themselves, so they should just be talking to a mirror instead. Lately I've been noticing that people I initially thought were weird were really pretty cool and they struck me that way because they're very different and have broken out of the mold. They're credible, but only if you let them be themselves and don't project the "shoulds" onto them. I think the most important thing about "credibility" is to realize that everyone has their own way.

Like most amazing things
It's easy to miss and easy to mistake
For when things are really great
It just means everything's in its place


Their own personal state of sanity.




Being consistent, fair, reasonable, and acting with a slice of empathy. Oh, yeah, don't lie. Ever.

It's kind of ironic that the question this week asks about credibility. My boyfriend was just accused at work of being dishonest - his manager told him that he has "no confidence in [my boyfriend's] honesty." Boyfriend is devastated. He does everything by the book and makes no exceptions.


Rigorous honesty, even when it's uncomfortable, unpopular, or dangerous. Someone who is true to their word. Someone who is knowledgeable and well informed, and doesn't pretend to know if they don't.


For me personally, no one is credible unless I have known them for a long time and found them to be an honest and level-headed person. Things that point to a credible person for me are: someone who does not exaggerate situations, who does what they promise to do, who is honest and up front about situations, who has some knowledge or area of expertise that they are not rigid or dogmatic about. With that said, I depend a lot on my heart and my gut to tell me if someone is credible....


when there's no more juxtapositioning general opinions surrounding said person via others


Their heart and their willingness to adapt


their actions. consistency in words and action.


credible: offering reasonable grounds for being believed.

Since I rarely believe anything I'm told (or these days, any picture I see) the only thing that supports credibility is my own independent research. It I do accept something at face value, it's probably because it is not important enough to me to investigate and appears to have minimal, if any, impact on my life. If someone tells me it does impact my life and I have enough respect for said person's opinion, then I will most likely investigate enough to see what the situation is.


multiple moments of integrity.


If I believe them!


And mine...

I usually use my instincts to discern credibility.

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