Sunday, September 14, 2008

How often do you talk about politics?

(Question of the Week 9/7/08)

Very rarely. When I express an opinion different from those of others, all I get is a lot of anger directed at me. I'm all for differing opinions, and I'm not going to become upset and start yelling at someone who feels differently than I. But I don't get the same respect in return, so I prefer not to say anything at all. I don't mind a respectful debate, but when someone refuses to listen to my side, after I've heard theirs, why would I want to bother?


With the exception of the following paragraph, I talk about politics about once every 4 years. I utter maybe one sentence about my views and then I , generally, ask a few (no more than 3) questions as to why someone likes/ dislikes a particular candidate. I am not really interested in discussions about our nation's 2 party system that overlooks the issues most dear to my heart (uh, can we say civil rights for all!?). I always vote but cannot be bothered to discuss a topic that I consider fodder for the masses. Discussing politics is disruptive to my nervous system. The way I lead my life and the integrity I strive to demonstrate is my greatest political statement. Most matters of politics and world affairs I discuss privately with god in my prayers & meditations. Peace to all living things.


Not as much as I'd like. I don't discuss politics too much with my
friends, because while I do enjoy a good political debate, I hate to
argue too much and I'm afraid of alienating people. I know my friends'
views and they know mine. We share our feelings on politics
occasionally, but we never try to sell a candidate or a ballot
proposal to each other.

I don't talk about politics much with the love of my life because he's
pretty apathetic. I'm thinking he'll care more when the fact that, as
two men, we aren't equal in the eyes of the law to, say, my parents,
really hits him. We'll see though. I could see it either way, maybe we
get married and he doesn't care because really all that matters is
that we have each other, or maybe we get married and he gets really
pissed at the status quo.


just about everyday


Very little......I find it very personal and can't deal with some of the drama it can evoke...


Pretty frequently these days. Not constantly but many conversations every day.


Every single day...several times a day. I live in the DC area. It's what we do.


I can't stop myself. I'm not obsessed, but the current election is just so vitally important that I'm compelled to talk about it frequently, several times a day usually.


I talk about it more than ever since one roommate is voting for McCain just to be a jerk and the other simply "can't see the difference between the two".


lately, several times a day.


everything is political. So, I guess that means my answer is, "everytime i speak!"


As seldom as is humanely possible, given the times. Usually, when someone mentions the word "politic" (or some variant), I check my pockets to see who is trying to pick them. But given the precarious state of the world, and the political choice before us, I find myself more engaged politically than is my wont. Deep down I believe that all politicians are tranvestite whores (and for that I apologize to the geniuine transvestite whores of the world).


ALOT! I recently started writing letters to my local NYC newspaper and they've printed two. I'm just about to write another one as well! Its hard when people you love don't agree with you politically, especially because they vote with emotion for the familiar without checking out the facts about candidates. Which just pisses me off. With so much at stake its not a time to get nostalgic, its time to really THINK about what the future of the country should look like. Palin would have us back in the dark ages as all the other industrialized countries move into the future. The RNC scared the shit out of me. I felt like I was watching a KKK rally without the white sheets, using the bible to inspire hate, where were the buring crosses? Palin scares the shit out of me because so many soccer/hockey/PTA white middle class moms will vote for her because she looks like them. Its sad really, they would forfeit our future for their comfort. A (white, middle class) woman wrote in to a blog that Michelle Obama scares her because she wants to "change American Traditions". I keep wondering where she got tht idea from. I don't think Michelle is trying to steal Xmas or anything. The only American tradition that the Obamas shake is that of white supremacy and a white family in the White house. Its sad, ignorant and extremely dangerous. I'm holding my breath until the elections.




As frightened as I am of what is happening in our country, I am on a hair trigger at the slightest mention of current affairs. I feel compelled to regale against the political ignorance I'm surrounded by. Whatever happened to the age of Aquarius?


All the time. (at least until they change!)


Lately, every day. I feel pretty passionate about this particular election. Like, if Mccain/Palin wins, I'll have to take a 4 year vacation.

Otherwise, I talk about it when it comes up. Could be a few times a week, could be none.


A lot over dinner, often with friends, and almost never at work.


Not very often....usually it is when I want to bitch
an moan...huh, what would it be like to talk about
some of the positive things that the government is
doing? Something for me to think about...


As not often as possible. It triggers my self righteousness and my anger.
I am always curious, however, to learn a practice of being inside political dialogues without having to shift into "I'm right and they are idiots." which just makes me feel hung over after.

They are idiots, though.



not frequently. I am ashamed by how little I know...


More now than ever! Palin's nomination has made this election that much more interesting, and she keeps coming up in conversation. Sometimes the wrong kind of conversation -- I didn't think the constant probing into the personal life was appropriate with Bill Clinton, and I don't think it's appropriate with Palin either. She should stand on and be judged by her record and her experience (although "experience" is a generous description of her political career so far). All the talk about teen pregnancy and working mothers is just a distraction from the real issues. I want her to be exposed for what she truly is - a craven opportunist who champions "diversity" but votes down every single gay rights bill that crosses her desk, claims to support freedom of religion but waves the Bible, and calls herself "pro-life" while she has a "freezer full of wild game."


As infrequently as possible. I come from a family of right-wing republicans and we definitely do NOT see eye-to-eye in this arena!


If by policics you mean the presidential election, and that sort of stuff, my answer is, "as little as possible considering I live with 2 news junkies."

If by politics you mean power dynamics, I'd say, "a good deal."


these days, only when i think of those two little girls travelling the
whole world and telling everyone everywhere that their dad has the
most important job ever!


It varies, but at the moment I seem to discuss politics fairly often. Virtually all of the people I'm likely to talk politics with are on the same page as I am. This creates a feeling of safety, but since everyone seems to be in agreement with me, it also makes for a rather limited dialogue.


I speak of politics only once or twice a week, but NPR awakens me most mornings. Last Friday, having survived the onslaught of press on the Dem and subsequent Repub conventions and their tireless jingoistic proclaimations about the greatest country that ever has or will exist; I went to the season opener for the SF Opera in hopes of some escape. Two tuxedo clad muckety-mucks stepped walked out onto the stage and spoke of what a great season it would be, thanked the sponsors, urged us to silence our cell phones - and requested we rise for the National Anthem.

I stood and was going to remain silent , when I realized what an opportunity I would miss if I did. Added to my list of lifetime accomplishments is now that truth that I've sung for the SF Opera. After all: they asked.


As rarely as possible. It's so full of lies that talking about it is the worst waste of time.


every day I think about it and lately i've been wanting to get involved more, to the extent of a career. I am sad when I see the state of the world and know that we here have power to make change simply by voting for a party who doesn't want war. It's so simple. Vote, spread the word.


"Politics" as the dynamic between representatives of medium to large populations, or the populations themselves: at least once a week.
"Politics" as the dynamic between individuals or small populations: every day.


NEVER! I just can't stand how up in arms people get when you have a different point of view. I change the subject.


Not very often. Although I feel I should know more about this subject, I don't feel compelled to expand my knowledge.


I'm embarrassed to admit that my girlfriend has asked me to find other conversational source material. She, at least, gets a bit tired of hearing me discuss the topic.


Next to never. I don't know enough about it to feel comfortable to discuss it. Plus I don't trust other people's views when it comes to that, so I will remain in ignorant bliss.


I prefer to talk about animals wearing lipstick.

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