Sunday, September 21, 2008

What would you rather have said?

No, I will not marry you.


you're right


I will say a good mental balance and weed, then ur great.


Nothing. I usually get myself in hot water.


i would rather have said that super cat was a newly guarded angel.


"I know I am Amma's baby!"


I forgive you...........


Your right, I'm wrong, here's your seven pounds, have a wonderful afternoon.


You cannot bring that beer into my house asshole


what rash?




You self aggrandizing mother-fucker. I don't care who you are or what you have. How do you sleep knowing that you treated us that way?


Less. Much less, much more often.


Come with me.


Nothing! Restraint of tonge and pen keeps me out of so much danger, but my ego sometimes gets the better of me.




Not between my legs. That's a hard limit.


GO to hell.
Stop being so self fish.
Get over yourself.
Fuck off.


Nothing. I should have kept my big mouth shut.


Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?


It was a phone conversation, and I would have like to have said: “I had no idea that anyone, anywhere, could say anything so cruel, let alone you.” But I was so stung by his words that my eyes welled up and I was shocked into breathless silence.


usually, when i think about it, i wish i'd said nothing.


Why don't you love me like the other children?


I'd rather have said nothing at all - at least not until I had my own
thoughts sorted out. Sometimes silence seems more compassionate than
anything I could say.


I wish I had said, "No thank you, I don't want to try any cocaine."


Let's take some time to think about it, then maybe we can work it out.


I wish I had just said "no"!


And mine...

So often when I smile and laugh, that is the best response. Tonight, after I went up the steps from the BART platform, so I could throw away some trash and go right back down to the platform, I participated in the following exchange:

"You were just up there."

"Yes I was."

"Why are you down here?"

That's when I laughed. He was drunk.

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