Monday, January 26, 2009

What attracts you? (1/26/09)

passion and intensity... and perversity. :)






Strength, integrity, compassion, flirtatiousness, confidence, humility, honesty, intellect, emotional intelligence, self awareness, creativeness, talent, skill, and a limitless sense of humor and open mindfulness.


Bath & beauty products on sale (especially if they're Lush) and bright glittery things.


big hairy legs


insanity, perfection, god. empty space. texture. trees and wind and blue sky. snowy slopes. the smell of indian food. intelligence. integrity and hard work. silliness. love. awareness. bright colors and good coffee. good art, music, writing. visions and dreams. those who have been through really difficult stuff. the truly innocent. various "genders". blond curly hair. etc.


vulnerability, someone's eyes, compassion, smile.....


I'm attracted by a need to know what happens next.


Light. The light in a soul, the light of an idea or creative spark, the light of nature. Bring it all to the light.


Shiny objects, quick movements and loud noises. Oh wait, maybe that's my daughter's attraction.


beauty, humor, intelligence


Happiness and health. Forward thinking.


Strength - of character, of mind, of body.


Shiny things, shiny people, open hearts, kind eyes, good rhythm guitar parts, books with simple covers, purple, the smell of coffee.


Spirituality, compassion, honesty, kindness, awareness, and silliness.


It used to be tall, dark and handsome men. Now: gentle rain, childrens laughter, fun with family & friends, singing classical music with my chorus, the list goes on.....


Sincerity ... honesty ... smile ... dark hair ... brown eyes ... nice butt ...


visually:colors that I like, red, blue, gold, lime green, hot pink, leopard print and sometimes just bright and shinny
tidiness but w/a lived in quality
physically: really nice skin, good hands, sense of humor, broad shoulders, and good smells
chocolate, the smell of food cooking or baking, the smell of grass
intellectually:good writing, good art, film making etc. people that can express themselves eloquently w/their hearts and minds connected
soul:peace and quiet, my family
My ego is attracted to compliments, complacency and other dangerous things


Honesty, Integrity, Compassion, Humility, Truthfulness.




Honesty, joy, energy, eyes wide open, big penises


Well, that's between me and all the guys I've kissed or slept with.


Honesty, piercing eyes, and a paralyzing wild side!


substance. gentleness. disclosure. discovery. muscles.
participation. swag. novelty. otherness. defiance. soft spots.
sadness. skill. curiosity. spoken words.


Colour. I am an artist and colour is like an addiction for me. Anything in jewel tones is - Mardi Gras beads, Chinese candy, embroidery thread, flowers. Especially flowers. I can't get enough of them.


My mind is in the gutter, so I won't answer this one.


rich texture, interesting form, vibrant color.


men pushing stollers and being tender with children; a man kneeling at the feet of his guru; a woman comfortable and at ease in her the many yoginis around this town; unexpected intelligence from someone I least expect.


A glimmer, a spark, a light, a star ...

Far away, maybe.

Or close by.

But there, somewhere.


I guess what attracts me at this stage of my life is a certain finesse for life. The ability to be sensitive to others but strong in one's own beliefs; being genuinely kind to others but not a sycophant. I still admire someone with true intelligence and talent and the knack for creating something beautiful or meaningful (on a variety of levels). I've also found that my attraction to women has grown broader as my need for companionship has grown. I can still appreciate a beautiful young women but the idea of a consort has passed generally out of that sphere. Although, a short skirt and fishnet hosiery still have a remarkable effect on my male psyche.


Why, you!


And mine...


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