Monday, January 19, 2009

What's your message? (1/19/09)

Live in the present, have hope for the future.


Experience, strength and hope...


I believe that children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside...

Oh wait, that's Whitney Houston's message! what was I thinking?

Lighten up. that's my message du jour.

and as they say, tomorrow's another jour.


No More Mister Nice Gay. I am officially fighting for work, money, and--oh yeah--equal rights.


smile. breathe. relax. compassion. acceptance. peace.

also, when you are in control of your emotions, you are in control of the situation


"you gain courage, strength and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, "I lived through this horror, I can take the next thing that comes along...." and you must do the thing you think you cannot do."

Eleanor Roosevelt


Whatever you're doing, have fun with it.


opportunity knocked on my door today I was laid off done with the interior design profession going back to school to become a registered nurse


service always, and always in the service of love.


Listen, validate, feel, experience, and respond with love.


Try and look at the world through God's eyes and try to remember that all I need to do in every situation is love...


Be grateful for what you have.


Its a fact ... no matter how good things are going ... or how bad ... things WILL change.


Change is the only constant. So continue to inhale and exhale. This too shall pass.


Be good


Stop being so uptight and enjoy things more!


It changes with my mood.


Offer everyone the benefit of the doubt, and accept everyone for who they are.


set your intentions


Life is a ball; So let's play ball and have some fun!


Just be yourself. Like they used to tell you in elementary school. Except I've found that it's the only solution. To be honest about who you are, and be yourself in every situation, despite how uncomfortable or weird it makes you feel. Because it's totally, totally worth it.


(chant to the tune of the military's "Left, Left, Left, Right, Left")

Praise, Praise, Praise & Blame
Have no fear you can make a mistake
Failure's an option you can take

Fame, Fame, Ignomy & Fame
You're all right the way you are
Even if you're not a star

Pain, Pain, Pleasure & Pain
Sukkha is sweet and dukkha ain't
Meditate when you think you cain't

Loss, Loss, Loss & Gain
You could lose this, or gain that
Either way you're still where you're at


None. The idea that I have anything to say to anybody, or that anybody has anything to say to me, is absurd. Not interested in what we say, but how we say: it ain't the message, it's the medium. Golly! How PoMo.


Chill out people! Don't be in such a hurry, relax a little when you are out in the public. We are all neighbors, so lets try to treat one another with a little more respect.


Oh, I've had a really bad week and I feel a rant coming on......I have two messages. The first is regards people who sit around complaining about the world, but never lift a finger to change anything. I am really tired of people coming to me with their problems, expecting me to fix them, because they are too lazy or too apathetic or too spoiled to make the effort, and they know me as someone who cares and who gets things done. People like me who are trying to make changes in the world are overburdened right now and could use all the help we can get. time you think something should be changed - don't just tell your friend who you think will do all the work for you. Your friend is busy fixing all the other people's problems who have come to him/her, and he/she would really like you to take some responsibility and fix your own.

Yes, I know it's hard to change the world. So don't change the world. Just change your backyard. Literally. If you are concerned about the loss of habitat for native species, put in a backyard native plants garden. Or change your street. Or your town. If you really feel ambitious, you could change your state!! If everyone just did something small about the problems and issues that disturb them, not only would people like me be less burdened, but the world would be so much improved. It really is not as hard to make changes and improve things as people think, it's just that most people use the ideas that "It's too hard", "I don't know how", "you can't fight city hall" as excuses...because they just don't want to be bothered and it's easier to tell someone else and hope that they'll fix things.

No wonder America is such a mess.

My second message is this: Dostoevsky was right - beauty will change the world. There is so much hostility, anger, ugliness in this world, and especially our society, that I really feel anyone who puts anything of beauty, goodness or kindness into this world is a revolutionary. Whether it's creating street art, leaving poems on your restaurant table with your tip, or just smiling at people on the street once in awhile, the world needs these revolutionary acts. We need to find our beauty and kindness again.

And one more thing - don't be afraid of being seen as a pleasantly harmless wacko. There are worse things in life (like being seen as a lazy, spoiled apathetic whiner!!)


Don't sleep on a mattress you found on the street, don't order Chinese food in Oklahoma, and don't have sex with anyone crazier than yourself.


The darkness is all around us. It is hard to look without seeing evil or
greed distorting the world we live in. Finally the crush comes and we find
ourselves or our family or our loved ones or close friends caught in the
flood of events and drowning in a great pool of sorrow. And we ask
ourselves, "What is the purpose of life?," and we struggle to move on. But
the big question is not how much time do I have left, rather, the question
is what can I do with the time I am here.
Remember that in the darkest hour of night, at the center of the cataclysm
of crashing truths, at the end of all things there is one item left in the
box. One thing that remains when the fury of Pandora spreads to the four
corners of the earth, there is one sword that cuts all the bonds of
despair, has no foundation in logic no basis in reason, resides only within
a brief wave of universal grace.
There is always hope.


And mine....

I teach people how to treat me.

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