Monday, November 17, 2008

How do you deal with change? (11/3/08)

kicking and screaming.......


I keep it in a jar on top of my refrigerator.


put it into a huge bottle in the kitchen and eventually take it to the bank


Give it to the homeless guy who hangs out near the corner of Sixth Avenue and West 43rd Streeet.


Take a deep breath and open my arms to embrace it. Change is normal, status quo is the unreality.


I jump headlong into it. And breathe.


I used to freak out. Now that I've realized change is constant I roll with it and quite enjoy it. It brings up quite a few feelings, but those are part of life too.


Happy that I got it

I put it in my pocket.


It really depends on whether the change was my idea or not. If it was, then I deal with it with great enthusiasm. If it wasn't my idea, then I deal with it with as much grace and acceptance as I can muster. Only later do I tend to realize that changes I force don't usually go very well. Changes that come into my life without my urging are usually for my greater good.


With the realization that nothing lasts forever.


depends on the change....




Depends on change. If it is something big and life changing, I am using accepting and well mannered. If someone moves my shit without asking or they change the lights on my route to work, I get frigging pissed off and start yelling. Seems like it should be reversed sometimes.


Gracefully and willingly


don't deal with change. It has a way of dealing with me.


I am usually pretty good about rolling with the punches. To wit, in the 12+ years I have been with my current company, there have been countless changes. I have had 8 different managers, 15+ coworkers (job specific, not at the company - in that case, closer to 500 including current employees), been through a reorganization, and had numerous jobs added to my position. Through it all, I have remained pretty positive, and I think I've proven over and over that I'm a team player. Which isn't to say I haven't pushed back on occasion when I think things are getting messed up. So far, it's been pretty good.


Depends on the type of change and if its coming from within. If I feel like change is being imposed on me, I'll disgruntingly follow. If its a change from within, or change that I agree with, I can be really enthusiastic about it.


Change is categorical It is a condition of matter in motion through space. The one thing you can't change is change. The very idea that we have any effect on anything is delusional.


Depends on the change. For example, looking forward to January 20th,
but I've never been fond of moving


i tell change to change because if change changed i wouldn't have to deal with it. that said, i did tell change to change. change changed. it wasn't as great as i thought so i asked changed to stay the same. it did.
ha ha ha hah aha hahaha


I welcome change... end of story.
Change is what keeps my life challenging and vibrant. There is never a situation that I do not wish to improve and the only way to achieve that is through change. Sometimes that means changing my own behavior and sometimes that means trying to influence someone else to change their behavior. Sometimes it means patiently waiting or sometimes being dynamic (move a muscle, change a thought). Change can be inspiring or it can be completely depressing but hopefully it will never stop being something that I embrace in my life until the end of my days. "The only rule that never changes is that everything changes."


A combination of acceptance and sugar.


And mine...

I welcome change in my own life and congratulate people on the new opportunity when it arrives in theirs.

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