Monday, August 31, 2009

How do you help? (8/31/09)

I help the w0rld bi listenin all dif walkz 0f life. Bein there 4 friendz. sm0kin bud wit ppl.


I'm a sixth grade teacher here in the city. I think if I typed out all the ways I help it would bore and exhaust everyone including me, as it is kinda sorta a helping profession. suffice it to say, i'm trying my damnedest to bring positive change to the world, one sassy middle school kid at a time.


I would hope that just listening, offering a shoulder to lean on or simply offering a hand to help would be my contribution.


I volunteer at St. Luke's Emergency Dept.


I clear the table and do the dishes.


lately I feel like I've been on the helpee side of things. today I was grateful for the help that was so generously given to me. I am amazed by the people in my life, some who only know me through shared communities. Today someone reached out and generously gave of his time and expertise to help me through.

In my profession I am the helper. I help by creating a safe space where people can talk through their feelings and know they are being received without judgment.


by saying hello to strangers with a warm smile
by staying focused on calming and centering myself
by allowing others to be who they are


H0w d0 i help? It dpen 0n witch way n wh0 im helpin. i d0ne thingz like giv cl0thes 0ff my back, da last 0f my f00d 0r kash 2 s0me1. It dpen 0n wh0 n m


It dpen 0n wh0, why n my mood.


Listen first.
Consider the tenets of the Serenity Prayer and take actions as appropriate to that analysis.
Make sure I consider the "end game."
Reapply the Serenity Prayer as needed.


In a variety of ways:

I listen.

I remind him of all the ways he has showed up.

I bring the lube and the restraints.

And I organize the Food Drive.


By standing. I have discovered over the years that if you avoid sitting while others are working, you appear to be helping even if you're not actually doing much in the way of work.


I start each day asking God to help me get out of my way so he can use me to do his work.....


Listening. I am a "yes" person. I am recovering from that. I have found that I am most helpful when I am not over committed and stressed out. It is best to be completely present to what ever circumstance, action, person or event calls for. Self care is helpful in caring for others. Taking responsibility, being kind, listening fully with intention to the place and needs of others while caring for oneself.


However I can. Asking for help has always been difficult for me, but I've learned that helping someone else makes me feel good about myself, so I step in when help is requested - to the best of my ability, anyway. Sometimes I ask someone if they need, or would like some, help, and then follow their lead.


I don't. Every time I try to do anything helpful, act in a positive way, attempt to engage and take anything ahead a step, everything turns to shit: I am the schlamiel AND the schlamazel.


By consciously wanting to - and trying - at times, whether with sympathy, heart or mind.


I help moms with strollers get up the subway steps, stop my car to let pedestrians cross when I don’t have to, give rides to old ladies when I see them at the bus stop with groceries…stuff like that. I love it! What I love most, though, is helping my mom care for my dad. She’s so much fun to be with.


By staying out of the way as much as possible and letting things work themselves out. I try to get involved only when someone asks me specifically. Except, of course, with my kids who think they can do everything without me.


If you feed me I will do the dishes. I do volunteer work as well as service in recovery. And I learned how to keep my mouth shut.


And mine...

I listen. I tell the truth as I experience it.

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