Sunday, August 23, 2009

What makes you feel welcome? (8/23/09)

Hot tea.




A warm smile


being offered a cup of tea.


I can see it in a person's eyes.......


In someone's home: The smell of fresh coffee brewing, open books, couch throws, laughter, furniture meant to put your feet up on, and a little bit of life mess. (Why have we been taught to clean our homes obsessively to the point of sterile before entertaining?)
In a social setting: a warm hug and introductions


Every day, when I get home from work, the cats are waiting for me. They are the first - and most enthusiastic - to welcome me home.




It's funny, that one is so simple but these days, sadly, it seems a bit rare. I feel welcome when someone smiles and / or just says hi.


roses and hellos so long's and ashes.

family always. weddings, often, funerals, sadly apart of.


a warm smile, bright eyes, happiness to see me


When I go to my sister's house to visit my nieces, ages two and four. They literally run around in circles screaming with excitement when I arrive. Doesn't get much better than that!


no judgements
no criticism
good food
good music
nice lightening


A warm smile, a good hug or handshake ... introduction to others.


I feel welcome in a home when I'm "part of the furniture" as they say in France. My host is happy to have me there and I'm not increasing their level of stress.


when $20 bills float all around me so that i can buy drugs and keep the proper commerce in placce.


A big wrinkly smile on my friend's face. A nice hot cup of tea.


A meaningful smile


A big sincere smile and a warm hug.


I can't really pinpoint what it is, It's just a certain feeling I get when I meet someone. I don't always get it, but I trust the feeling. It tells me all I need to know about people, and has not failed me yet!


my sponsor. she always offers me tea and has a cozy couch I can sink into when I talk.

my therapist. just having a space that's all about me, and a box of tissue.

when someone listens, and doesn't wait to talk. when they give me space to talk things through outloud in my own rambling tangential way.

when someone puts fresh sheets on the bed for me.

when my mom buys groceries that I like when I come to visit

when someone opens the door, smiles, and hugs me and tells me how glad they are to see me

when someone says thank you, and means it.


When people write back to me and share their feelings with me


A smile


Big hugs.


Unless a situation is especially effusive in affection or conversely agitation, I would generally say it mainly depends on how I feel on any given moment.


Mostly, I guess, recognition. Someone who knows more than just casually and has accepted my existence without prejudice or expectation. Kids are good for that, old friends, really old friends whom I don't see as often, even proprietors of establishments that I have frequented over a long period of time - my dentist is one such person - and we've become friends over the years. I wish the same could be said about my ex-wife with whom I still share custody of two teenagers, but it just may not be in the cards... too much tension there.


My ex-girlfriend used to wait for me as I climbed the stairs. She'd smile and do a little jig -- every time -- right till the end.


And mine...

When my sister or brother in law answers the door and they greet me with a hug and a smile. When my niece greets me at the door with a jiggling "Aunt Joce is here" happy dance. A sincere smile.

When he tells me how great I look. 'Course that makes me feel LOTS of things...

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